Part 26

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He gasped, it was Bill but he was badly wounded. "Bill!" Dipper yelled as he went to his aid, he was unconscious. He was too busy to notice a figure behind him, knocking him unconscious as well. Who else would it be, Mabel? Somehow she was able to escape her cell and knock both of the dream demons out. " least I got payback of some sort for what they did!" She scoffed, "I cant leave them passed out..oh! Uncle Ford would know how to trap them!" She called out for their daughter and pretended that they 3 were going to go on a trip, the little girl was happy to show her the way out of the palace. She quickly ran to the shack trying to find her uncles yelling for them. They had appeared, all of them sobbed and did a group hug. "Uncle ford! Please do you have anything to keep these two from using their powers?" She dragged them here on a wagon, Ford thought for a second and then quickly went into his office bringing out two ropes. They were bright blue and they were glowing,  Ford tied them up as they remained unconscious. "How on earth did you knock them out Mabel? did you get here? The castle is heavily guarded no human would be able to escape safely." His voice sounded concerned, "About that, they have a daughter and she showed me the way out." Ford and Stan looked extremely confused.  "WHAT?!!?!?" 

A/N hiiiii idk what else to write with this. (Might be ending shortly AFTER YEARS god damn)

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