Chapter 10

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(300 reads!??!)
Dipper's POV
Bill and I spend the day at the carnival in town. It was so funny watching Bill rage at some games. He won me a stuffed Bear! But the day has ended and we headed back to the hotel since I think im banned at the mystery shack. Pfft whatever. We got inside the hotel room. I quickly made some noddles with the microwave that was there. I wonder how things would be when we start weirdmagedoon. Hm probably  chaotic. But then again I'll see pyronica again. Bill had to do something in the mindscape so i was all alone. My phone started ringing. I checked. and see who it was. Ugh it's Mabel. I picked up. "Hello?" "Dipper where are you!" "Why do you wanna know?" I questioned. "We are leaving gravity falls for good!" She happily said. "What no! I mean can't we leave when its our birthday? Its like 2 weeks more." I nervously said. "Fine but you owe me." She sassed. I'll tell Bill about this later. I grabbed a book from my backpack and layed on the bed reading. Soon enough i fell asleep.
*The next day*
I woke up. Bill waa next to me. Huh guess Bill got tired. I got closer to him. And tried to cuddle him. A couple of hours past and Bill woke up. "Morning pinetree." He kissed my cheek. "Morning." I smiled. "Hey um Bill I need to tell you something. "What is it?" He asked. "Mabel wants to leave gravity falls before our birthday can you help me at least convince her to stay?" I askes. "Oh sure pinetree!" He smiled.
*A few hours later*
Bill's POV
Pinetree and I headed to the mystery shack. We got inside and Shooting star looked at us in shocked. "Dipper?" She said. "Yes?" He weakly smiled. "Where have you been?!?" She hugged him. "Well Grunkle Ford kicked me out of the house after what i said to you." He sniffed. "Oh my gosh Dipper! Im sorry!" She said. "Its Fine, awkward sibling hug?" Pinetree opened his arms. "Awkward sibling hug." She went to him and hugged him."Pat Pat." They both laughed.
(Sorry if it was short paz is going to stay with billdip also this was made on such short noticed weirdmagedoon will start at Chapter 12 or 13 just saying that!)

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