Chapter 4

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Bill's POV
"So i have to look normal and not be in this beautiful suit?!?!" I whined "Yes Bill now change into something else we don't want Ford to find out who you are do you?" "You have a point my pinetree." I said as i hugged him. "Alright im going to bed i need the rest i can get so I'll be a great actor." He giggles. "Alright night babe." I kissed his forehead. "Night." He slowly fell asleep. How did i, a demon fall for a human? Love works in strange ways.
Dipper's POV
I woke up and i was on Bill's chest. I got up and quickly change. I decided to go to greasy diner. When i walked in I saw Mabel with Candy and Grenda. Great...Where the fuck is Bill?  "You called?" Where are you? "Outside the diner." Well get in. I saw Bill come in. "Dipper?" Mabel said. "Yea?" "Since when did you have friends?" She laughed. "Since forever." I said. "Look Mabel im sorry about what i said i just had a rough day can you forgive me? I fake smiled. "Awkward sibling hug?" She asked and smiled. "Awkward sibling hug." We hugged "Pat Pat." We giggled or i fake giggled. "Oh Bro bro who is this?" She asked. "Oh his my-" "Boyfriend." Bill grinned. I started to blush. "Bill!" I shouted. "Aww my brother got a boyfriend! Finally your with someone at least your over Wendy!" She joked. I rolled my eyes. Its true i moved on from Wendy a long time ago. "Where were you yesterday?" "I was-" "With me." Bill chuckled. Oh my god Bill stop.

Mabel's POV
Finally Dipper has a Boyfriend. But something is not right Dipper looks really dead and sounds like hes faking. Ah what the heck he'll never lie to me i am his great beautiful big sister! "Oh by the way Dipper, Grunkle Ford is looking for you!" I said as i left.
Bill's POV
"Hm Sixer looking for you?" "Yea im going to find him by the way the force field is still up i think." "Nope its not i took it down with my strong powers!" I joked. "Pfft the all mightly Bill Cipher couldn't do that 3 years ago." He giggled. "Shut up and kiss me." I said. "Fine " He rolled his eyes. He kissed me. "Better?" "Yep." We walked to the shack and there was sixer. "Dipper there you are i have to tell you something its about Bill!" He shouted. "Um alright Grunkle Ford."

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