Chapter Six: Willy's Escape Plan

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  Dad called Rae and she arrived as quickly as possible.
"This is no accident. Dial is trying to kill Willy" He said to Rae.
"We're gonna put him back into the ocean" Jesse said nonchalantly.
"You three?" Rae asked.
"And you" Jesse replied.
"And me?!" Rae asked surprised.
"That's right lady" Dad responded smirking.

  Rae honestly looked so done with us at the moment.
"Wait a minute.." Rae said.
"All I know is that this whale is gonna die if he's dried up too long. His tank is way beyond repair" Dad said worried.

  "He's got a family out there! I heard them" Jesse told Rae.
"Don't you get it? He's homesick. That's why he's acting so weird!" Jesse continued.
"Rae, they tried to kill him!" Jesse said,cutting Rae off.

  "Randolph,did you call the police?" Rae asked.
"Rae. What good would that do? They wouldn't get here on time and they'd probably think we're trying to steal  Willy.." I said answering her.
"Rae,either get the heck out of here or get turn on that pump" Dad said sternly.

  Rae quickly turned on the pump as water came rushing into Willy's tank.  About less than half the water was out by now.  My dad got everything set up as he put up the tarp.
Willy saw the tarp and seemed to slowly enter it. All of a sudden there was huge water loss in Willy's  tank and Jesse had jumped in.
"Jesse! Get out of there!" I shouted.
"Jesse! Out!" Rae screamed.

  I saw Jesse trying to help Willy because he stopped swimming in a sudden halt. I heard Jesse telling Willy to do his part and stuff like that.
"Attaboy Jess" Dad said pulling one of the ropes.
Jesse got the harnesses onto the tarp Willy was in.
"Good job Jess! Now get out the damn water!" I shouted as Rae and Dad gave me a weird look.

  Jesse successfully got onto Willy and Dad started pulling the two up. 
"It's gonna be okay Willy" Jesse said.
He blew water out his blowhole in response.

  I knew how Willy's eyes were messed up because the water,but now they were bloodshot red. I felt worried. Obviously it's not normal for his eyes to look like that.

  Willy kept hurling and squealing at the feeling of being picked up,away from water.
Me,Jesse and Rae quickly got him onto the huge trolley.
"You're gonna be okay boy.." I said patting his side.
"Yeah you'll just fine buddy" Jesse said beside me.

  "Is he alright?" Jesse asked Rae.
"He's been moved before. As long as he stays wet,he'll be fine" Rae said.
"So are we going to pull him?.." I asked confused.
  Jesse had the idea to take Glen's truck and Dad..of course followed on.
I stayed back with Rae to keep Willy moist.

  A little later, my dad and Jesse came back with Glen's truck.
"You two take care of  Willy" Dad said pointing at us.
I was kinda hoping to not stay with Jesse the whole ride because the outburst I had at him a few hours earlier.
Me and Jesse were keeping Willy wet as Dad was prepping things in case of emergency.
"Okay..Let's go!" Dad said closing the trunk of the car.
Me and Jesse sat on opposite sides of Willy's head.
"You'll be okay" Jesse said caressing Willy's head.
"Guys..I promise we won't let anything happen to him" Rae said reassuring us.

Dad started driving as I started to talk.
"Hey Jess..I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to shout at you like that.." I sad looking away.
"Don't worry about it..I was being a huge jerk to you and Willy" Jesse said.
I smiled in response

We were driving into a forest and all of a sudden we stopped as me and Jesse got off the trolley and saw a huge tree blocking the road.
"What are we gonna do?" Jesse asked worried.
"We have to back it up..let's go" Dad said going back to the truck with Jesse.
Me and Rae stayed looking at tree in worry.

Dad started backing up the truck and then we hit a huge ditch in the ground.
"Randolph! Stop!" Rae and Jesse said.
"Crap.." I mumbled.
How are we gonna free Willy now?
Willy shrieked as the trolley tilted.
"You good Jess?" I asked as he gave a smile smile.
"How's he doing?" Rae asked.
"I don't know.." Jesse responded.

Dad checked the wheels where the ditch was.
"Maybe we should try taking it forward again" He said talking to Rae.
"If the trailer tips any further,we'll lose him" Rae said in response.
"It's gonna be alright Willy..we'll bring you back. I promise" I said comforting the orca.
Jesse kissed Willy on the tip of his nose to reassure him.
Dad kept pushing the trolley as Rae was trying to drive.
"Stop!" Dad said in a rush.
"Dad!" I said desperately as he slowly slid down on the trucks side.
"We definitely hit a low.." He said."No question about it" He continued.
"We really need help" I said leaning on Dad's shoulder.
"No kidding.." Rae answered.

Jesse rushed into the truck as I followed behind him.
"Glen?Annie?" He asked.
"You guys there? Glen?" He asked again.
"Yeah Jesse?" Glen responded.
Jesse told them what happened and they seemed to rush here as fast as possible because less than 5 minutes later they arrived.
"Jesse are you alright?" Annie said running up to him.
"What's going on?" Glen asked concerned about his truck.
"What are you doing with my truck?! And this whale?!" He asked with anger.
"They tried to kill Willy!" Jesse said.
"Kill him?" Annie asked.
"We're putting him back into the ocean!" Jesse responded.

"Glen help us" Jesse asked desperately as he walked away.
"Help us! I'll do anything!" Jesse asked.
"What do you think I want from you Jesse?" Glen asked as I gave Jesse a side hug.
"I don't know! I don't know what you want from me. Look I've got to look out for Willy, and I've got to do what's best for him. You understand?" Jesse said.
Glen looked at us worriedly.
"Please Mr.Greenwood.." I said pouting as Willy whined again.
Glen took a look at Willy and Dad,then at the ditch and wheel.
"Please Glen. I'm asking for your help. He's gonna die" Jesse said crying.
"There's a chain and a winch control behind the seat of the truck, Go and get it" Glen said.

Me and Jesse shared a look and smiled. I let go of the hug as Jesse went to go hug Glen.

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