Chapter Seven: The Actual Escape

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I was sitting with Willy,Annie and Jesse,spraying him with water.
"Don't worry boy. You'll be okay" Jesse said.
Dad said something to Jesse as he passed me the spray.
"Nova keep him wet" Jesse said running to dad.
"Mkay" I said proceeding to spray Willy.
Rae kept driving as we finally came out of the ditch.

All of us were somewhere sitting in the truck or on the trolley,with Willy.
Eventually we got back on the road.
Glen drove us down to the carwash so we could fully wet him.
Willy was constantly whining as me and Jesse were trying to calm him down.

Rae started to rinse Willy with water everywhere.,even in his mouth.
"Alright let's go!" Rae said.
We all rushed to the truck again as some guys came by.
"Nice whale" They said.
My dad thanked them in response.

The sun started rising as we reached the Dawson's Marina
Willy's eyes were starting to close out of tiredness.
"Hang on Buddy we're almost there" Jesse said.
Willy whined again in response.
"Guys! We gotta hurry! Willy's not doing so great back here!" I said.
To my surprise Mr.Dial was there,waiting for us. Someone clearly snitched on us.
Glen slowed the car down,but then we started to speed up again.
We crashed into the fence as we got to the water.
Dial and his crew quickly recovered and chased after us.

I got off the trolley and went into the water to help Willy.
"Stop them! Don't let that whale get away!" Wade said.
"Randolph. Why isn't he moving?" Jesse asked concerned.
"You said when we got to the water he'd be okay.." He continued.
"I don't know Jesse. He's been out the water for a long time now..Come on Willy!" Dad shouted.
"Get out of here Willy!" I said trying to push him along with Jesse.

  Wade quickly acted and grabbed me and Jesse.
"This is kidnapping of a minor,Wade! If you don't let go I will tell the police! I shouted,but he still held on.
"Let go the kids now!" Glen said punching Wade right in the face.
I swam to my dad and Jesse swam to Willy.
"Willy! Go! Go!" Jesse said sobbing.  "Haha..Good boy" Jesse continued.

I quickly swam to Willy to say my goodbyes.
"I'll miss you buddy.." I said kissing the tip of his nose.
Jesse smiled at Willy as the 4 adults were screaming for Willy to go and leave.
Me and Jesse hugged each other in pride.
"He really did it!" I said.
I broke the the hug as we all saw two boats.
"Guys..guys wait. Those boats. They capture marine life!" I said.
"They're trying to close Willy in!" I shouted.

Dial and his crew left the water and watched in satisfaction.
The men on the boats were blowing horns and telling Willy to go in the nets.
"Jesse. He won't make it!" I said worried.
Rae swam to us and panted.
"Jesse! Nova, come on!" She said grabbing us.
"No!" Jesse said.
I let Rae take me as I knew I shouldn't struggle because Dad would just take me.

That was it..Willy got into the nets. You could hear him whining from where we were. It was horrible.
A few moments later it seemed that I was wrong. Willy avoided the nets and swam to the other side.
Jesse had also left us.
"Jesse! Where are you going?!" I shouted.
"To free Willy!" He shouted back.
"Jesse get back here!" Glen shouted.

"Come on Willy!" Jesse shouted.
It seemed that Jesse was putting the training for Willy to work.
"Follow me to the break water!" Jesse shouted.
"No..He can't jump that" I mumbled.
"Hurry! Go Willy! Go! Get away from the boats they're dangerous! Swim!" He continued.
You could no longer hear Jesses shouting,but both Jesse and Willy were getting closer to the break water.

No later than a minute you could see Jesse stand up on top of the rocks.
"Randolph you ever seen him jump that high?" Rae asked.
"Things can happen.." Dad responded.
Dad started to speak in Haida.
Next thing you know,Jesse has his hand in the air and Willy jumped over the rocks.
"Oh my god.." I said smiling.
You could see Jesse do a little cheer after Willy was on the other side.

Dad hugged Rae and Annie and Glen hugged each other. I was in awe at what Jesse did.
Dial and his crew seemed to be in awe to as they walked away.

And just like that..Willy was back into the ocean. With his family...

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