Chapter Fifteen: The Fire

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As we were running away we heard tons of shouting,so we stopped.
"Jesse look!" Nadine said pointing at Willy,who was seemingly charging at the boat where Little-Spot was being held.

Willy went under the water and then pushed the boat over,releasing Little-Spot into the water.
"Yeah!" Jesse said clapping his hands.
"Go Willy!" Elvis cheered.
Me and Nadine smiled at Willy.

I heard everyone else clapping back at the docks.
Our cheering quickly stopped as Jesse started talking.
"Elvis meet us over there! Nadine,Nova let's go!" Jesse instructed.
"Elvis be careful!" I said.
We ran to the other dock and Jesse started to get ready a boat when we arrived.
"Jesse what are we doing?" I asked.
"Just untie the back line! Let's go!" He said getting into the boat.
"Okay..backline backline" I said quickly uniting the backline.

Me and Nadine joined Jesse on the boat in a rush.
"Do you know how to drive this thing?!" Nadine shouted.
I couldn't hear what he said,but I assumed it might of been a no be cause Nadine was still nervous.

Jesse drove the boat to the dock where Elvis was at and we all told him to jump in.
"Come on Elvis!" I said standing to grab him.
I carried Elvis into the boat and we all sat back down:
"Elvis put this on" Nadine said giving him the life jacket.

"Do you really know how to drive this thing?"Elvis asked Jesse.
"Not really!" Jesse answered.
"Yeah I can tell!" I said as we roughly crossed the water.

I saw men go into another boat as rushed after us.
"Uh Jesse! They're after us!" I shouted.
"Yeah guess again!" Elvis said chuckling.
The mens boat came to a sudden halt as they all shot into the air and into the water.
I heard clapping again coming from the docks.
"Did you do that?" I asked Elvis smiling.
"Yeah!" He said proudly.

  We kept going around looking for Willy.
"Guys! Do you see Willy?" Jesse asked.
"No I see Little-spot and Luna! But I don't see Willy.." Nadine answered.
Jesse stopped the boat and splashed his hand in the water,calling Willy.
"Come on boy..come on.." He whispered.

  Willy then came out of the water.
Me,Nadine and Elvis shared a look and smiled.
"See that boom? We're gonna get you out of here. It's gonna be okay I promise" Jesse said to Willy.
"Remember the old days? Remember this?" Jesse asked as he flicked his arm into the air.
Willy made a small screeching sound to tell us that he did remember.
"Yeah you remember.." Jesse said patting Willy's melon.

  "Nova what does that signal mean?" Nadine asked worried.
"You know how Willy got out of North-West? Yeah something like that.." I said furrowing my eyebrows.
"Come on give em a show!" Jesse said to Willy.
"See that boom? You gotta break it!" Jesse continued.

  Willy swam to the boom and Jesse gave him the signal to do the really high jump.
Willy jumped into the air and went right on top of the boom,causing it to break.
"Yeah!" Jesse shouted.
Me,Nadine and Elvis also cheered and clapped in joy.

  Willy,Luna and Little-Spot finally got to leave the cove.
"We did it guys! Alright!" Jesse said hugging me as Elvis and Nadine also joined the hug.
After our cheering we followed the orcas.
"We still gotta make sure they make past the oil" Jesse said steering the boat.

  We were still on the boat,but there was a bright orange and red the way the orcas were swimming.
"Guys! The oils on fire!" I shouted.
"What?!" Nadine shouted back.
"Just hang on you guys!" Jesse said,continuing to drive the boat.
"We have to stay with them. We have to follow them till they're safe!" Jesse continued.
We all gave Jesse a look of worry,as it seemed too dangerous for this to work.

  The orcas were squealing once again,but they seemed to go under water.
"They're diving under! They're going under the fire! " Jesse shouted.

  "They made it! They made it out of the fire!" Jesse said happily.
"Jess! How about us?! We have to get out of here!" I shouted worried.
"Hang on guys we're going to that cove over there!" Jesse said point at the cove.
"Hurry Jesse go!" Elvis screamed.

  We were approaching the cove as Elvis started shouting.
"I think I see something!" Elvis shouted.
"What?" Jesse shouted back.
"Watch out!" I screamed.
The boat crashed and there was now a hole at the bottom.
"It won't start.." Jesse said pushing onto the levers.
"Come on turn on..come on start!" Jesse shouted.

  "What are we gonna do?!" Elvis asked.
"Get off the boat! Put these on now!" Jesse shouted giving me and Nadine life jackets.
"What about you?!" I asked.
"Don't worry about me..I can take care of myself!" Jesse answered.

"Just start getting the water out of the boat you guys!" Jesse continued.

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