Chapter Thirteen: Deals

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  The owner of the company that caused the oil spill wanted to have a talk with me,my dad,Nadine,the Greenwoods and Dr.Haley.

  I was sitting next to Jesse as Mr.Dawson started talking.
"Not gonna lie to you,Jesse. This is an awful situation and my company's to blame for it. It's very important to me that no harm comes to these whales and that according to your friend Randolph is where you come in" Mr.Dawson said pointing to my dad.
"Well you know I can help to! Little-spot likes me—" Elvis said until Glen cut him off.
Glen whispered something to Elvis which made him run off.
"Willy trusts you Jesse." Mr.Dawson said.
"Well he doesn't trust you" Jesse said angrily.
"He thinks he's protecting Luna,but in fact from keeping us from her. He's killing her. Your his only friend Jesse" Dr.Haley said.

  I know what they're doing. They want to guilt trip Jesse into helping them.
"I'll make a deal with you" Jesse said leaning forward.
"I'm listening" Mr.Dawson said smiling.
"I'll convince Willy to let us help Luna" Jesse stopped.
"Right!" Mr.Dawson said smiling.
"But! You have to promise to get Willy and Luna and Little-spot,back to their mom" Jesse said.
"I can't promise that!" Mr.Dawson said with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh but you have to. It's your oil that's killing Luna and if she dies everybody's gonna see it on the 6:00 news. Everyone will see it and everyone will blame you." I said glaring at him.
"What do you want me say?" Mr.Dawson asked rudely.
"Just promise us,you'll try" Jesse said.
Mr.Dawsons smile came back.
"Well that..I can do" He said.
We went back to the docks to go help Luna.
I was standing beside dad as Jesse looked really nervous.
"Jesse?" Elvis said.
"Yeah?" He responded.
"Good luck!" Elvis smiled.
"Thanks" Jesse said.

  Jesse played his harmonica on the docks as we all waited on the side in anticipation.
Willy came from the water and started pushing Jesse away in anger.
We all backed away a little bit,trying to not anger Willy any further.
"He's gonna eat him isn't he?" Elvis asked looking at me.
I bent down to his height.
"He's not gonna eat your brother..I promise" I said holding out my pinky finger.
"Spit shake on it?.." He asked.
"Elvis.." Annie said unfazed.
"Fine pinkie promise" Elvis said doing the promise with me.

  I sat down next to where Elvis was standing as Willy was still trying to keep Jesse away.
Willy seemed to calm down as Jesse brought out the huge fish,or as Rae called it. Willy's chocolate.
Jesse then fed the fish to Willy.
We all clapped,proud of Jesse.
Dr.Haley went to go do the check up on Luna.
Luna kept moaning in pain,I'm assuming the oil has started to take affect.
"I need to get her to raise her fluke!" I heard Dr.Haley exclaim.
Jesse started motioning for Willy to raise his fluke do Luna could do the same. Orcas like following what other orcas do,especially if it's family.
Dr.Haley soon gave a thumbs up, signalling that she finished.
We all clapped again.
"See your brother is still in one piece." I said smiling at Elvis.
"Yeah!" He said smiling back.

  We went back to the land and I walked up to Jesse.
"You did great out there Jess!" I said giving him a peck on the cheek.
"Thanks Nova!" He said smiling.
Mr.Dawson then walked up to us.
"Hey kid! You hit it out the park,I'm impressed!" He said as Jesse smiled in response.
Me and Jesse went back to Dad and Dr.Hagley.
Dad was looking at the map with a quizzed face.
"Hey Randolph. What's the matter?" Jesse asked.
"The oils getting pushed by the wind up by the cove" Dad responded.
Me,Jesse and Dr.Haley shared a look of fear.
"We don't have a lot of time guys" Dad continued.
Nadine and I were near the cove. She was crying about how the whole cove will be ruined.
Jesse came by and tried reassuring her.
I also tried,but she kept sobbing her eyes out.
Truthfully I didn't know what to do.
It was early in the morning and I was hoping to get a nice rest after what happened yesterday,but there's a huge problem with Luna and dad and Nadine were in too much of a rush to tell me the whole thing.

I was just told to change and go with them to the Greenwoods campsite.
"We got a problem!" Dad shouted as we ran to the Greenwoods.
When I was told we had to go to the Greenwoods,I didn't think they meant run.
"It's serious! It's about Luna!" I said.
Glen,Annie,Elvis,Jesse,Dad,Nadine and I were running to the water.
"Jesse come with me. Nadine and Nova stay with Luna" Dad said rushing to his truck with Jesse.

We were all covering Luna with water,making sure she was okay.
The Greenwoods were telling Elvis to stay back at the shore as this was apparently too dangerous for him. I honestly don't think it'd be that bad for him to help.
I remember that Annie was telling me about doing a spit shake with Elvis. Something about another promise.
"Do we try to push her?" Annie asked.
"Yeah let's try" I said.
"On three. 1,2,3" Glen said as we all pushed her.
"Woo! Go girl!" I said clapping Luna was swimming around slowly.
I was trying to look for Elvis when I looked back at shore.
" you know where Elvis is? I don't see him in the crowd" I asked looking at her questioning.
"I don't know I told him to stay up on the beach.." She said,but then came to realization.
"Oh no.." She said.
"What?" Glen asked.
"She spit shook a promise with Elvis..I'm pretty sure she broke it" I said awkwardly.
Glen gave his wife a weird look as she sprinted to the shore.

  "She did a spit shake with him?" He asked as I nodded in response.
"Man..that's serious" Glen continued.

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