Chapter 171-175

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Chapter 171

Xu Fengqing's investment and understanding of "Starry Era" is no less than Xu Yuheng, and even because of his identity, he knows more.

After all, how could he just blindly burn money into a project that took ten years of hard work and family property to nurture?

Although he has hardly played any online games, he also knows that he cannot be in a conventional birth point now.

What's more, he recalled the process of just entering the game - it seems that in addition to naming and pinching his face, there is an important step missing?

Yes, the step of choosing a career talent is missing.

Xu Fengqing frowned, but he didn't panic. He raised his head and looked around. In the darkness, he could only vaguely see a wall around him.

He reached out and groped to touch the "wall".

It doesn't seem to be a "wall", it's hard with a pliable feeling, as if...

Xu Fengqing pushed hard, and with the sound of clicking, the "wall" in front of him, with his palm as the center, broke open cracks, and light penetrated through the cracks.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued to exert force on his hands.

"Click-click--" The shimmering cracks spread, and more and more fine lines appeared. Finally, after a soft sound, the "wall" in front of him completely shattered and collapsed.

The sudden strong light made Xu Fengqing narrow his eyes uncomfortably. After getting used to it, he pushed away the broken wall again and looked outside.

This seems to be a dry and warm cave, with shining gems piled up not far away, and the strong light that almost stabbed his eyes just now emanated from this hill-like pile of gems.

And it wasn't the walls that surrounded him, it was...


Xu Fengqing looked at the white object in front of him and was slightly taken aback.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in his ear, and at the same time, text appeared in the void in front of him.

【Welcome to the Era of Starry Sky】

[You wake up from the seal and find that you have lost all your memories, only your own name--the cloud is light and the wind is light]

[After experiencing confusion and anxiety, you decided to retrieve your memory and find the person who sealed you here]

[Then, the clouds are light and the wind is light, go on an adventure that belongs to you unknown! 】

[Ding~Trigger the main quest [Who am I]]

[Description: Please look for the past and find out who you are. Reward: unknown]

Xu Fengqing looked at the system prompt carefully and frowned slightly, which was different from the game mechanics he had learned.

Didn't the player come to this world as a hero from another world to save the NPC and rebuild the empire?

seal? Looking for memories?

He felt as if something had happened unexpectedly.

At this moment, the "egg" he was sitting on with a crack suddenly trembled.

Xu Fengqing hurriedly exited the hole, turned around and watched the white "egg" emit a slight silvery white light, and then shattered into tiny light spots, and something fell from the light spots.

The paper man raised by himself wants to marry me [Infrastructure] MTLWhere stories live. Discover now