Chapter 341-345

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Chapter 341

Giles felt incomprehensible.

The reason why Cosmic Coin is called Cosmic Coin is because it is used in the entire universe.

He has been to so many countries, and he has never encountered a situation where the universe currency cannot be exchanged for the local currency.

Finn couldn't give him an answer either.

So, he originally planned to go back to his room to sort out the information he had obtained today, and then contacted Adrian because of this.

As the liaison officer in charge of the affairs of the Roland Empire, Adrian should be most aware of this matter.

Adrian, who was outside enjoying Roland's customs and exploring Roland's special products, never expected to receive such a call.

When I heard their question, I couldn't help showing a bit of surprise.

Through the image on the light curtain, Finn clearly saw the change in his expression, and he couldn't help feeling a little resentful.

After all, before that, his and Giles' attitude towards the Roland Empire was not friendly, and there were even contempt and depreciation in their words.

But now he is eager to ask him why the universe currency cannot be exchanged for the currency of the Roland Empire? This is somewhat of a slap in the face.

However, thinking of the dinner that day, Finn quickly relieved.

After all, that night, his face had been beaten enough, and today in the barbecue shop, he was beaten several times in succession.

Facing Adrian's surprise, it can only be said to be trivial.

Giles' face was much thicker than his, and he ignored Adrian's surprise at all.

Or maybe it's just the nature of foodies.

"Adrian, why is there no way to exchange Aishue coins on the foreign exchange platform of the Star Alliance? What the **** is going on?"

Giles squeezed in beside Finn and forced his way into the mirror.

He repeated the question just now, in a very urgent tone.

After all, it takes time to wait for the takeaway to be delivered to the door. Now every second he delays, he eats the food one second later!

Adrian quickly restrained his emotions. Although he felt very strange about the sudden change of attitude of these two, there was an indescribable joy in his heart.

After all, he hopes that Roland's country will get better and better. The more people like her, the better.

"Because the Star Alliance believes that Aixue Coin has no circulation value, it has not reserved it."

Adrian said in a regretful tone.

Previously, the Roland Empire almost failed to pay the alliance dues because of this. Fortunately, the newly appointed His Majesty Roland solved this problem.

However, Ash Coin was still not accepted by the Covenant.

"The Roland Empire ranks very low in the interstellar rankings, and more than a year ago, it was still a nearly closed country, and it did not have trade relations with any country."

Even the Roland Empire has no extra supplies that can be used to trade with the Star Alliance.

Although he had worked hard to win for the Roland Empire before, Adrian also knew that it was difficult to achieve.

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