Chapter 38 The taste of twilight

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Chapter 38- The Taste of Twilight

In the tent, an ear-splitting storm of power raged. They could hardly stand against the gusts; they were so strong. The worry of not knowing what was happening choked the air with an inevitable dread. The fluttering flaps to the tent seemed to wrap around them as if to seal everyone away to the same doom of the dying girl that reeled in her bed. Every candle went out, and nobody could utter a word. A quake stirred beneath their feet, and when all hope seemed lost, and there would be no end in sight, everything suddenly ceased. A silence followed by an eerie calm. All those gathered stood still to chew on the mysterious change in the air, and the room fell to a hush.

Zelda inhaled rehearsed words she had played through her mind over and over, and just as she was about to break away from the safety of Link's hold to approach the wizard, he vigorously waved her back with a stretched-out cautionary hand. This was not over yet. More was needed to be done to fulfill this task.

The princess flinched, and the strange power that mystified the whole room earlier swelled up again and intensified around the sick girl in a stormy cloud of energy. All watched in terrific awe. Was she being saved? Or would this be her end?

A pale puff of cloud wrapped around her in a pillowy embrace, and pulses of bluish golden power magnetized to the corrupted parts of her bare skin. Glowing sparks that could rival the sun's glare danced atop her as she levitated where she lay. Her eyes were shut, and she was fast asleep during the whole ordeal.

The air current continued to charge around everyone causing the hairs on the back of their necks to stand on end, and the gale raged again. The princess raised her chin against the wind through fluttering bangs to seek the spellbound wizard and braced herself to speak to him, but his demeanor rapidly changed before she could utter a breath.

"And now...I cast you out!" thundered his voice with the fury of a hurricane.

Zelda gasped, and the swirling cloud that covered Riju from head to toe spun faster and faster until it intensified to solidify around her. At the climax of everything, a flash-bang of light flooded the whole tent.

In that instant, the fusion of rupee and crystal had electrified forming a glowing, golden blue wavelength of raw energy that morphed into synchronized symphony of silver starlight and Kelcifer was its conductor. With every breath he uttered and by every wave of his hand he whipped through the air or dance he stepped, the power to move mountains flowed from his fingertips to the spiraling cloud that encircled Riju. His orchestra of power breathing what everyone had hoped and prayed would be, renewed life.

Everyone fell back unto themselves, and they had to shield their eyes from its blinding glare.

And then...

A silence again. Blinded by the light, nobody made a sound. Though this time, the quiet was different. The static hum in the air that rang in their ears suddenly vanished, and the tent filled with life-giving color once more. The flaps settled, and the reek of sickness and dread which ranked the air earlier had passed away. A soothing calm fell over everyone and even the candles that were out miraculously relit again as if they were aglow all along. Peace was restored, and everything seemed to return to its proper oath to order.

Peeking through blurred vision, they all slowly opened their eyes to the sound of a voice. But not one of a wizard, but that of a confused young girl.

"What's everyone doing?" whispered Riju, lying in bed, rubbing the sleep in her eyes as she awoke. "Why, why are you crying princess? Is something the matter?" The young girl slid up on her pillow, still dazed but turned to face the others. "And you too, Buliara? What's happened?"

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