Chapter 3

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We went to the kitchen where most of our classmates were. Why? We never knew, but most of the students woke up around 9 or 10 A.M. in weekends.
"I'm gonna go make some hot soba. Do you want some?" I ask Cassie. She nods and sits at a table for two in the cafeteria while I go and cook. I finish cooking and put two bowls on the table: one in front of me and one in front of Cassie. We both start eating. It's a bit quite, not like other days. Meanwhile, it's getting emptier in here. There were James and Charlie, two boys from our class were here, and the rest of the people were from second and third year. James is a quiet boy who likes to go out with his best friend, Charlie and listen to him talk all day long. He's very shy at first, but once he gets comfortable he opens up to you. It's funny, how the only one that could get closer to him was Charlie, even though they have a friend group. Charlie is the type of guy who talks alot and when he realises that he lets others talk too, but it's never boring or annoying. Well, that's what we hear from the friend group at least. The group contains 6 people (I think): Charlie, James, Maya, Alex, Karl, Andrew and there's Eden that I'm not sure if she's in the squad or not. Charlie and Maya are siblings. Twins, to be exact, even if they look different and you wouldn't guess they were related at first. Charlie is blonde with curly fluffy hair and reddish highlights, has ligh green eyes and likes to dress in light clothes. Heard he's demi-boy and that explains why he's sometimes wearing skirts. He has a cute round face and freckles. He also has ear piercings and that makes him even more adorable. His sister, Maya, has blonde bangs and the rest of her hair is a combination between brown and red. She tried dying it last summer but it didn't work that well and now she lives with what she has untill it fades completely. She usually dresses like an alt girl and despite her gothic looks she's actually a sweet and carrying person, even when she acts tough and all. She also has nose and tongue piercings. James is a tall guy, brunette, with really short and straight hair. He doesn't really care what he's wearing, that's why he always wears a black or blue hoodie and ripped black jeans that I think look badass on him. He's always smiling and that gives everyone a good mood. He wears braces and, honestly, I think they look stunning, but that's just my opinion. There's nothing much to say about him, but I heard he's working out and it's a shame that he never shows the effort by wearing hoodies... My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Cassie's bowl placed on the table. "Thank you for the meal!" She says with a satisfied look on her face. She's smiling at me and I find that cute.

I take both bowls and go in the kitchen to wash them while Cas is just looking at me from aside. She has that fascinated look on her face and I honestly find it adorable, though... I don't really know what got her attention. "Good job on being the older responsible sister!" she says with a thumbs-up and a grin. I just roll my eyes and ignore her. I finish washing the dishes and putting them in their place. I get going to my room and she keeps following me around. She usually does that, but today it just seems off... Like there's something she wants to say, and it's scary, not gonna lie. I'm scared of important discussions.

I open my mouth to say something but am cut off by Alex. "Hey girls! If you're not busy, will you two come to my dorm tonight at 7 PM? We're arranging a sleepover and have fun all night!" he says excitedly. His crowd 10 feet away, friendly waving at us hoping they will convince us to come. I look at Cassie, she looks at me. I nod in agreement and ask who else was coming. "oh, umm... Them." he says pointing his thumb at the group behind. He rubs the back of his head and says "You guys are the only ones who agreed on coming.. But it'll still be fun, so see you tonight! If you don't change your mind." he says nervously as he walks away to ask more people.

"so... Now we're going to a party, huh?" Cassie asks, slightly confused why I agreed on going. "Meh..." I respond shrugging. We awkwardly look at each other for another 30 seconds and then get going. I went right into my room and I guess Cassie tagged along, because she wouldn't leave me. I check the time. It's 10:56. I sit on my bed and make space for Cas to sit next to me. She sits down and we beging to talk like we normally do.

Hours flew by and it's already 2:34 PM. I still haven't done my homework. "Hey, Cas, have you done your homework?" I ask. "Not yet. Wanna do it togather?" she askes, already knowing my answer. I nod and she goes to her room, grab her notebooks and stuff and get back here.

It' s around 4:20 PM and we're done with the homework. We still have plenty of time to spend before the sleepover.

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