Chapter 4

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Cassie is on her phone, texting someone. I wonder who. "Hey, who are you texting?" I ask, looking at her. "No one. I'm writing notes. Well, not really notes... More like random thoughts I have. Why?" She says. "Oh, um... Nothing, I was just curious." I say nervously. She puts her phone on my nightstand and lays on my bed with her hands under her head. "I'm bored!" She says with an inconvenient voice. "You wanna go somewhere in the city?" I ask. In my head, I wish it was a date, but in reality I know it's just hang out. Eh, I don't really care what it's called anymore, as long as I'm with her.

She nods to what I said earlier and sits up. "There's this hand-made jewelry market place near the History Museum. They'll be gone by Tuesday and I really want to go there. What do you think?" I smile and nod at her. "Sure! Let's go!"
We get up and decide to meet in front of the campus 20 minutes later so we have enough time to change our clothes and 'mentally prepare ourselves for the outside world', how Cas would say. She can be the full definition of 'introvert' sometimes. In a good way, of course! I like it when she's being overly dramatic. It's funny. I think I'm an introvert too, but can't relate to her that much. That's ok! Anyways, I walk over to my closet to choose an outfit to wear. It's windy and cloudy today. It still doesn't look like raining though. I put on some black leggings underneath a greenish beige skirt that's slightly above my knees, a white body shirt with long sleeves and cover up with a light brown sweater vest. I'm heading to the door and before exiting I'm putting on my brown convers. There are 5 more minutes left, enough to walk to the meeting place. 3 minutes later Cas arrives, wearing a pair of dark blue mom jeans, a black hoodie with chamomile flowers printed on the front. She's also wearing her mushroom earrings and styled her hair to look like she has a wolf cut. It's covering her beautiful sage green eyes but just a bit and she also did her eyeliner that looks so good with her red-pink average lips. She looks amazing, but that might be just my opinion.

"C'mon!" Cassie says excitedly. I nod and start walking by her side. I look at her from the corner of my eye. She doesn't notice. I'm staring at her cute little smile and feel my cheeks hit up. I'm pretty sure I'm blushing, but I don't try to hide it. I look away but zone out. I wake up at Cass patting my shoulder.

"Hey, hey! What are you thinking about?" She asks curiously. Of you. I'd say, but shrug instead. "Nothing." I don't think that was convincing, but she leaves it at it. We get near the History Museum and I can see her holding from running to the market place. She really like to run, even when she looks tired or just not in the mood. I can see her already having a big smile on her face and so I exclaim "Tag, you're it!" And run off to the destination, dodging the people on the street. She follows and easily catches up with me. She pats my back making me it. We play like this untill we see the ticked booth and slow down. We buy two tickets to enter and head to someone's stall. Cassie buys a pair of earrings with two black beads that hold onto some dark blue strings. We look around for 20 more minutes. Meanwhile, Cass gets 5 more colourful bracelets with mixed shapes of beads and I get a choker with black tiny beads and yellow flower design.

There are 3 more stalls we haven't checked yet. I look at the last stall and point at it. "Let's go there!" I say looking up at Cassie. She nods. We get there and an old nice woman greets us. We look at her jewelry. There are some cute bracelets made out of string that look beautiful. One thought comes to mind:
"Hey, Cas, wanna get friendship bracelets?" I ask pointing at the string jewelry. "Sure!" We look at them and decide for me to get one with black, white and lavander and Cas to get one with black, yellow and orange strings. The lady puts them on our wrists before we pay and leave.

"Wanna go home?" Cas asks out of nowhere. "Idunno... Do you want to go home?" "Not really." She stops. We're already in front of the museum, and we're just walking somewhere I guess. We haven't decided where to go now anyways. After some seconds Cassie speaks up. "Thank you for coming here with me, Milena!" "Anytime. It was really fun hanging outside the dorms with you. Do you still have energy? I want to walk some more before going back home." I say. "Sure. Where do you wanna go?" "Hmm... The park?" I ask. She nods in agreement and make our way there. When we arrive, I notice there are not many people. Actually, none. I guess no one really likes this weather.

We've been walking around the park for awhile now and we're on a big valley with lime trees on both sides. I get closer to Cas. I look at the ground and reach for her fingertips. They're soft and warm. The then holds my hand intertwining our fingers together. I look up to her surprised and she just smiles. I notice her blush and my face suddenly heats up. I'm blushing too. I look back at the ground trying to hide my face.

"So... Are you planning to wear a different outfit for the sleepover or the same clothes you sleep in?" Cas says, trying to change the subject. We talk about random stuff for the rest of the walk, then decide to go back home. We're starting to get hungry. It's been some hours since we ate so we plan on going to a restaurant. We don't really do that, but if we have the chance to, why not? This starts to sound like a date tho... Wait... Date?! I feel my cheeks burn while burying my face in the meniu, trying to hide that I'm blushing. Why did I ghink of that? We're just hanging out. I see the waiter coming our way and I calm down. He takes our orders and the rest of the lunch went fine. The food there was delicious and wasn't too expansive either. New favourite restaurant. I think to myself. It's already 5:31.

We decide to go back to the dorms and meet before going to the sleepover. I haven't been to a sleepover since I was 13. I'm low-key excited. As we make our way home we hold hands again. This time I didn't really notice. I was zoning out looking at the ground.

We're in our rooms now. It's 6:40 and I get ready for the party. Knowing those guys, it will be chill. I put on my skin colour bra, a light pink undershirt and some black shorts. I grab my phone and text cassie.

          𝘏𝘦𝘺, 𝘊𝘢𝘴! 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺? - 𝘮𝘦
                                            6:48 𝘗𝘔

          𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺.
                                             6:50 𝘗𝘔

I walk out and see Cassie waving at me and smiling. She's wearing a black undershirt, some red shorts and her hair is in a ponytail, but her bangs are down. She's hot. I think to myself. I don't even try to wash away that thought anymore. I  stop staring at her beautiful chest and head next to her to room 4 27. It's not far away.


Word count : 1308

HOLY SHIT THIS CHAPTER IS LONGER THAN I EXPECTED! Hope you guys like this book so far, and thank you for giving it a shot! There are already 6 people reading it. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! So, if you guys want me to make longer chapters like this one comment and I'll try my best! Sorry this came out so late, I don't really have an excuse TvT. Anyways, tell me if you like it and thank you so much for trying my book out, byee!! ♡︎

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