Chapter 5

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We arrive at room 4 27 and I knock on the door. Alex opens it and greets us. He lets us in and we sit on the floor, next to the others, making a full circle. Maya and James move a but to make Alex some place to sit. "What are we playing?" I ask. "Truth or dare!" Maya says excitedly.
We've been playing for awhile now and we're having a lot of fun. Andrew had to put on one of Eden's dresses, Karl confessed he has a crush on someone, and that sounds interesting, and now it's my turn again.

"Truth or dare, Milena?" Eden asks. "Dare! Give me a hard one!" I provoke her. "Kiss the person you like the most from here. On. The. Lips." She says with a smug face, looking like Anya from Spy x Family, if you ask me... Anyways, I take in what she says and I think for while. Obviously, the person I like the most is Cassie, and she's here too, but wouldn't it be weird to kiss her? I mean, we're both girls, and maybe this is going a bit too far... I don't know if she said it as a joke or not. I could kiss someone random as well.

I've been thinking for too long already, so I go for it. I grab Cassie's left hand, pin it to the floor, with the other hand I lift up her chin and kiss her soft, pink lips. I close my eyes and wait for her to pull away, but she doesn't. She closes her eyes too and I can feel everyone looking at us. I don't want to make it weird for either of us, so I pull away gently. I look in Cassie's eyes and she looks in mine. My head is empty and the only thing I can see is Cassie. The silence was interrupted by Maya yelling out "OH MY GOD THAT'S SO GAY" with a hand gesture and an eye roll. We all are laughing now. The laughibg dies soon and we continue our game.

It's around 2 AM and all of us are exhausted. We played truth or dare a whole hour and then we played Mario Kart, Need For Speed, and GTA 5 up until 12 AM. After that we just talked and around 12:30 Eden got hungry so we went to get McDonald's, went for a walk in the city and here we are, at 2 AM, sleeping like logs.

I wake up. None of us other than me and James are awake. I would try to move but I can't. James is laying over me, playing video games on his phone. " 'Morning!" I say with a rather sleepy voice. James quickly sits up and sets me free. I sit up too, and we just stare at each other in awkward silence. "So... Why were you laying over me..?" I asked. He looks around, pointing out that there was no space for him because our friends moved places from where we fell asleep and there ain't no more space anymore. I look at him again, letting him know I understand the situation. I decide to get up, very careful to not trip over someone or make too much noise to wake them up. It's like 6 AM and I still am not fully awake. "You wanna get coffee?" I ask James, thinking he'd probably say no, because this is one of the only times we hang out, but to my surprise he said yes.

So now we both wait for the other to get something from their rooms to put on and head out. It's the morning fog outside and the only sound we hear is the cars rushing for the people to arrive at work on time or to take children to school. A bit too early though. We walk to the nearest Starbucks while small talking. We arrive and I order a salty caramel mocha and James a latte. We sit at a table outside and drink our coffee. After some time we decide to go back.

We came back and sat on the couch, just playing video games.


Word count: 700

Hi! I'm really extra sorry I haven't updated this story for over a month, I got lost in school work! I promise I'll keep updating it! If you're still reading, thank you so so so very much!! See you soon! <3

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