Chapter 7

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It's around 10 PM. I've done all my homework, studied, and cleaned my room. I have nothing else to do. I could draw something. I usually go to sleep very late. That's a bad habit, but I don't feel like changing it either way. My bed time is around 2 o'clock, so I have much time to spend.

I take out a piece of paper and lay my pencils all over my desk, but when I sit down to draw something, I don't really know what. No ideas of what to picture, I trace down something random.

I spend the rest of the time doing things like drawing, dancing, spacing out, preparing my outfit for tomorrow... etc. Trying to sleep was more difficult than other days tho. My mind will never shut up.

I wake up the next morning, without noticing I ever fell asleep. I go do my morning routine, and when I'm done I go downstairs. There's Milena, of course, making breakfast for the both of us. It's just another regular morning. She made pancakes today.

We make our way to school. On the way we talk with our new friends. They make jokes and we all laugh and we've been hanging out every break outside, watching the boys who play football and complain about our homework. Seems like Karl is a bit of a nerd. He does his homework in the break between classes so he has "more free time" after school.

There are multiple clubs lately going on in our school and apparently Maya signed up for music club, Alex and Andrew are in the Basketball club and Charlie can't join a club because he's in trouble for some reason with the president of the only club he might enjoy. Don't ask me how this guy got in trouble, it's hard to believe he'd do something bad by the way he looks.

When we're back at the dorms we separate. Then I'm back again at nothing to do at night. At 9 PM I'm talking to Mil through text. Well, talking... Sending random memes.

Wanna go for
a night walk? ᴍᴇ

Sure, why not? ᴍɪʟʟɪᴇ


Word count: 359
I really wanted to write more but I don't feel like it and I haven't posted a chapter in too long. Sorry it took like two months or more😅 have faith tho, if you're still reading, thank you!! I might continue chapter 8 later today, but idk when I'll post it. And also sorry these are so short. I'm trying to write more🥲🥲 that's all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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