Chapter 25: Sunrise (Part 1)

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Kris knew he couldn't have defeated Undyne himself, not with the others distracting him. But, with Undyne's armor and simple physics defeating her, this was satisfactory. All that mattered to him was to remove every obstacle in the way so that his goal could finally be achieved. He had to complete it; nothing would stop him.

Kris swerves around more blaster shots, and chaos saber slashes. Focusing on Frisk, he dashes into the ambassador's vicinity, but the ambassador snaps backward with the first swing, then avoids the next four. With the sixth, Frisk grabs Kris' arm and tosses him away, causing Kris to lose his balance and fall to the ground. Kris rubs his behind and rises from the ground. Frisk shakes his head. "I don't want to fight and refuse to attack you. Turn yourself in," Frisk pleads.

"Fat chance," Kris retorts.

Kris looks over at Asriel, who quickens his pace. Two slashes fly at Kris' body, and he blocks the first swing, then catches Asriel's arm as he makes his second move. Asriel gulps, and Kris lifts his foot. He kicks Asriel with the sole of his shoe, and the goat child flies backward, tumbling to the other side of the hilltop.

Kris boasts. "All I had to recall was how clunky she was in her armor during our battle behind Grillby's, and the rest was an easy matter of physics!" Chuckling, he says, "now I can simply overpower you, as you just demonstrated so kindly."

Asriel groans and slowly staggers from the ground, and Kris looks over at Frisk. He charges at the ambassador, tightly gripping the blade. Frisk moves backward as Kris raises his knife. "Time to finish the job!"

Kris swings. Sans pushes Frisk out of the way, and he misses much to the assassin's chagrin. Grimacing, the villain needed that aggravating smiley trash bag out of the way, and that's who he was now going to attack.

Slashing his knife again, Sans snaps backward and dodges. The skeleton shrugs and winks. "Seems ya missed me again." Sans grips Kris' shoulder, locking him into position. His eyes go blank. "Get ready for a bad time."

Kris frees himself and swings at Sans' hand, but Sans backs off quickly and teleports behind Kris. The villain ducks as bones whiz past his head. He jumps again as Susie's axe breezes right over the top of the earth, truncating the grass blades beneath Kris' feet. Ducking under her, Kris hopes to cut her legs. However, Asriel tackles Kris to the ground, holding Kris' shoulder with one hand and a chaos saber with another. Kris laughs and kicks Asriel's hand, causing the goat child to release him, and Kris charges at Sans.

The flurry of blocks and clangs from bone and knife blare for the attacker and the skeleton. The duel of fates increases as the other members of the fight catch their breath and prepare themselves for another attack.

However, this rest cannot continue for too long because Sans begins to sweat. Kris shakes his head, gritting his teeth. "I'm getting sick and tired of you blocking off every chance to slay the ambassador!"

Sans shrugs. "That means we're doing our job, kiddo."

Despite his quipping, Sans' sweating increases. He was getting tired; he was sick of fighting. Sans wanted to be there for his friends, but he began to find it hard to keep up the efforts. Besides, he had help. It wouldn't be a problem if he took it a little easier, right?

Kris swings at the skeleton again, but Sans keeps dodging. However, his movement speed slows with each slice of the knife flying around him. It was beginning to be proven true; Sans was beginning to slow down.

"What's the matter, Sans? Tired already?" Kris taunts.

Sans shrugs as he backs away from yet another slash, grinning cheekily. "I'm a little chunky; I don't get to the gym much. Can ya blame me?"

Kris spits, gripping his shoulder again. "Yes, I can blame you because your laziness is showing, and it'll sink your team!"

Kris moves quickly, but Asriel is even faster. The goat knew he had to help. With a quick swing, Asriel blocks Kris' next attack on Sans, making the villain jump backward. He smiles. "You should've gone for the head, you foolish goat."

Asriel shakes his head. "Don't kill, and don't be killed," he protests loudly. "That's the motto I live by!" He lowers his voice. "I refuse to take your life."

Kris snorts. "Ever considered just going for the kill, even just once?"

Asriel lowers his head and bites his lip, feeling profoundly guilty. "That's in the past," he says shortly. However, Asriel then remembers his redemption, and hope re-fuels his soul. Glaring at Kris, the goat child proudly and hopefully proclaims, "my old self is gone, and the new me is forever."

Kris charges at Asriel. "If you insist, but now you'll pay the price for your ignorant mercy!"

Kris lifts the knife, yet Sans appears before Asriel and shoves Kris into the ground. The villain snarls and rises; Gaster Blaster shots fire again, and Kris painfully contorts his body to move around each one. With a quick huff, Kris charges at Sans and swings. He dodges again, then places his hands on his kneecaps. Hurling more bones at Kris, Sans moves a little slower. The opponent evades each one, and Sans shrugs his head back.

The attacker began to grow tired. Just like how he threw Undyne off balance, he craved to do the same to the skeleton. But when would he be able to pounce upon Sans' weaknesses? He knew they were going to manifest soon; it's just that he needed a little more patience.

Sans takes a moment to breathe, and then he nods, his eye sockets growing heavy. He begins to fall asleep, and Kris smiles widely. Now was the time to pounce. Kris rushes up to Sans and swings, but Sans wakes up and shrugs. "Ha, didja really think you'd be able..."

(NOW), Kris screams in his mind.

Before Sans can continue, Kris attacks again. Sans' eye glows blue, and the skelebrother twists his body, moving his arm in front of his chest. Knife connecting, the weapon gashes Sans' radius bone, crackling it. The "POP" is deafening.

Sans' eye sockets droop, and he falls to the woodland floor, gripping his arm. Kris kicks him to the side as Asriel glares over at Sans, tears welling in his eyes. Asriel's former rival turned friend was hurt, and things were getting direr by the second. 

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