Chapter 2: Brothers (Part 2)

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With another wink, Sans teleports away. Asriel then smiles, shrugs, and places the fabric of the flower costume at the bottom of the coat closet while setting the flower head portion of the costume on top. As Asriel walks into his mother's kitchen, his goat snout sniffs profusely, and his pupils dilate slightly.

"Let me guess... butterscotch cinnamon pie...again!" As he approaches the pie Toriel sets on the table, he stares into the living room. Frisk is sitting in front of the fireplace, with fire slowly going within it. Asriel raises an eyebrow and thinks, "wait, it's the middle of summer. Why is Frisk even sitting in front of a fire? And why is the fireplace even on in the first place? Standing in the sun should be enough!" 

Asriel glances closer and notices that Frisk's eyes are shut tight. "Oh, he's sleeping."

Toriel boldly places a slice of butterscotch cinnamon pie in front of Asriel. Toriel replies, "Don't be silly, my child! It's not butterscotch cinnamon pie... it's a cinnamon BUTTERSCOTCH pie!"

Asriel shakes his head and groans, muttering, "mom, why are you so particular with the label?" After finishing his thoughts, he digs into the slice. He likes the taste of the pie at first but soon comes to a rude awakening. Asriel's face contorts and turns a slight shade of green. The goat child spats out the morsel, pieces of snail and butterscotch splashing onto the floor.

"Ugh! C'mon, mom," Asriel complains. "Frisk doesn't like snails! And neither do I. Please don't let your obsession with snails ruin the pie, ok? Anywho, I'm gonna chat with Frisk now."

Toriel scratches her head. She sighs, picks up the pie, and places it on the back counter with a disgruntled slam. (Doesn't he know that it's rude to spit out pieces of food? I taught him better manners than that). She nods slightly. (Well, to be fair to my child, snails are an acquired taste).

Frisk wakes up when he hears the noise and stares up at Asriel, who sits next to him. Asriel begins to sweat due to the running fireplace. He wipes his furry forehead once and smiles, glancing over at Frisk. "Howdy, Frisk. You seem tired. Are you doing ok, bud?"

Frisk sighs and shrugs. "Eh, I just feel tired right now. My ambassador takes are going alright, and humans are more accepting now than 3 years ago, but...I feel kinda old today, even though I'm a kid." Asriel lowers his head, and Frisk rubs the back of his head slightly. "Don't worry; I'll be alright. I'm glad things have changed for the better; I just hope they stay that way." He shrugs. "Sometimes I get weird, bad feelings like this."

Frisk sadly laughs, and Asriel rubs his fingers together

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Frisk sadly laughs, and Asriel rubs his fingers together. "Are you still filled with DETERMINATION?"

Asriel smiles more widely at Frisk while the ambassador leans his head to the left side of his body, resting his cheekbone on his shoulder. His eyes gloss over as he stares forward at the fire. "Maybe, I think so. Sometimes I get a funny feeling that something bad will happen even with monster-human relations improving. But, things are improving, though." 

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