Chapter 2

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"So," Nat says between bites "Clint said you're a doctor and a preschool teacher?"  I nod as I finish chewing.

"Yeah, um, I teach half day preschool and am an E.R. doctor with a focus on pediatrics."

"She means she's a complete angel of a human being." Clint interjects.

"Wow," Steve says "how do you manage both of those jobs?"

"Well, I get out of school at eleven.  Then I eat lunch on the way to the hospital where I work either in pediatrics or emergency from eleven thirty to about nine.  Though it's more like eleven when I work emergency." I explain.  .

"Damn, that's impressive." Bucky says.  I smile slightly at the compliment.

"Okay, but what about lesson plans and record keeping?" Steve questions.  

"I lesson plan one Saturday a month which I have off from the hospital.  Then the other three Saturdays I work in the hospital mainly charting and teaching interns." I explain.

"Sunday is her day off and once a month she spends it with me at the range to keep her skills sharp." Clint boasts proudly.

"That my brother is only due to your incessant nagging." I snark.

"How good are you?" Nat asks raising an eyebrow curiously.

"I'd say average." I shrug.

"Bullshit," Clint grumbles "when she got home she cleared the house and snuck up on me."  Bucky's eyes go wide along with Steve's.  Nat only smirks more.

"Clint," I growl "if you recall I have very easily taken you to the ground on several occasions because of my training.  Knock it off before I make you."

"Yes ma'am." he says quietly before going back to eating his meal.  Nat's smirk turns to a wide grin but everyone is quiet until the meal is finished.  I stand from the table and start clearing plates.  

"Juniper," I hear Steve say "let me? You've had a long day. I can do the dishes. Plus, Clint said earlier that you had other pets to care for."  I smiled at his sincerity.

"I do.  While I appreciate the offer you're a guest for tonight.  You'll each be assigned chores as of tomorrow.  So go enjoy your night of freedom."

"Junie," Clint steps in "let the man do the washing up, okay?  Go feed the reptile rooms Bug."  I sigh but nod setting down the dishes and moving to the 'safe noodle room', as Clint calls it.  I make quick work of thawing mice and gathering insects before feeding everyone.  Leaving the door open since nothing in there can kill you.  Then I move to the closet outside the 'danger noodle room'.  I put on my apron, gloves, and face shield.  Grabbing my hook I head in but quickly shut the door behind me.

***Clint POV***

"Why'd she gear up and close that door?" Bucky asks.

"That room contains many venomous snakes and by law the door must be secured in case any get away during feeding or handling.  Each tank has an individual lock but human error can happen."  I explain.

"She had on loads of gear though." Steve adds.  I nod.

"Yeah some spit their venom so she's gotta be well covered."

"She's a total badass." Nat smiles.

"Yeah." I reply quietly "The reptiles are all rescues.  The preschool she works at is full of kids who have major behavior issues.  The hospital is in a rough area so that can be really heavy.  Oh, and she also has four rescue horses that she boards a few hours out.  To board them she has to work one full day a month at the farm and she goes twice a week to ride or train.  Even allows people to set up therapy rides sometimes."

"Does the poor girl ever sleep?" Nat questions with awe in her voice.

"She's been going like this since she was twenty-five.  She's thirty-two now and honestly I worry about her." I say sadly.

"That's why we're here instead of the with Laura isn't it?"  Bucky says pointedly.  I hang my head knowing he can spot a lie.

"I'm hoping with us to help with the animals and apartment it'll give her a break.  School ends in two days but the kids are gone already.  She has so much backlogged PTO and vacation days at the hospital.  Since we are here for at least the next few weeks I am hoping to get her to take some time off."  Just as I go to continue the door to the venomous room opens and Juniper hangs her gear looking exhausted to the bone.  

"Juniper, come sit down." Nat says "You look exhausted."  I see her startle a bit but she follows Nat's directions anyway.

"Junie?" I question due to the dazed look in her eye.  No response.  "Junie?" I repeat a bit louder.  Still no response.  I crouch in front of her and cup her face in one hand while I stroke her hair with the other. "Bug?" I whisper.  She meets my eyes finally.

"Fox?" she replies.  I smile sadly knowing she's out of it.  My heart clenching painfully hearing that nickname after so long.

"Yeah baby Bug.  It's bedtime now, okay?  Let me carry you." I murmur gently.

"Mmhmm." she mumbles.  I lift her like I used to when we were kids and carry her to her room.  After quickly changing her into her pajamas I gently tuck her in before kissing her head and closing the door on my way out to the living room.

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