•Chapter 14•

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"Let me out of here! This isn't fair!" Y/n pulled and shook the door to no avail. Locked in by Michael.
"Unlock the door I'm hungry and I wanna go home" she slammed her head on the door, whining like a little kid. She'd been doing this for around thirty minutes. Trying to garner a bit of the stalkers attention. It was a miracle how well an old door inside of a ruined house could hold.

"Please Michael..." her back slid down the door until her butt hit the ground. Holding her knees to her chest. If Y/n didn't feel like crying before, though she did, she sure as hell did now.  Her eyes overflowed with tears, dripping from her eyes down her leg. Strangely enough her legs felt normal, but a weird tingling sensation spread across the soles of her feet.

Curious, she turned her foot over. Her eyes expanded as the sole of her foot was covered in blood. She was so focused on getting out of the room that when she was standing the shards of broken glass stuck to the bottom of her feet from before pushed into her feet as she stood. It looked as if it had been bleeding for a while, since her bloody footprints glistened on the floor.

Y/n screamed bloody murder at the sight and scrambled up to the bed looking at the mess beheld. "I need an ambulance, I need-"
The door slammed open "Michael?!"
Michael held his knife on high alert, looking around the room for trouble. Instead he found a floor covered in red and a half frightened Y/n.

He tilted his head as if to say 'what's wrong?'
"Um- I stepped on some glass and-"
He knelt down to her legs grabbed her ankle before lifting it to his eyes.
"H-hey! Give me some warning!" She flinched as the cold air mixed with his lingering gaze made her shiver. He gently dropped her leg and stood back up before leaving the room with the door open. A minute followed and Michael didn't come back yet

"Now would be a good time for me to escape' Y/n thought as she stood up only to sit back down and hiss as her feet stung like a curse. Her vision started to blur a bit and her head became dizzy. All outcomes of the blood she lost.  More minutes passed like hours as her feet twinged in pain "fuck fuck fuuucck why do I do these things"
She looked up and jumped when she saw Michael in the door way holding a red box with the sticker on its lid which read 'First Aid Kit'

Y/n had wondered where he even got the first aid kit in the first place. Despite the hurt, she stood up and started walking towards him. "Thank...you" her words slurred. Michael, clearly knowing she was in no shape to walk picked her up and plopped her back onto the bed. "Hey! what the-"

His hand slid under her thigh and elevated her leg. She flinched at the tender touch. His large hand seemingly stayed put while he opened the first aid kit with the other. Taking out the gauze and dabbing it on the blood and wounds. Her leg wriggled in his grip, the gauze tickling her skin. Y/ns face had turned a somewhat brighter hue of red, looking down at him taking care of her. "This is so embarrassing.... but you're surprisingly good at this..." his hand tightened around the back of her thigh, making her squeak. As if it was a way to tell her to stop moving.

She fell limp and leaned back on her elbows. Watching him clean up the mess on her foot. Michael skillfully picked out the glass shards, despite her yelps of pain and suprise. "Ouch...ow!....ouchie!" He ignored them though.
"Be more gentle Michael" Y/n pouted. After a few more pieces of glass were removed. He opened a package of alcohol wipes and got to work wiping down her foot again. "How the- you opened it with one hand?" She added, her blush getting worse as she realized where his other hand was.

The cuts seered in pain, signaling the alchohol was working. Michael took a roll of medical tape and wrapped it around her foot before stopping and cutting the tape off with his thumb. 'Strong fingers- get ahold of yourself Y/n!'
She swallowed "you can let go of my leg now..."

Michael obliged to the request and slid his other hand up her other thigh, elevating her leg again. "W-wait!" She had been so caught up in her one foot she forgot the other was in the same condition. Realizing she had to go through it again, Y/n said nothing and watched him work with red on her cheeks.

With a final tear of the tape, he closed the kit a stood up a gave her a pat on the head. He turned away about to leave her again, when a hand barely wrapped itself around his wrist. His heart almost stopped as he relived a moment-

"No wait!" She grabbed his wrist quickly. He turned around and his eyes finally glinted with some hint of emotion. "I wanted to introduce myself . I guess I kind of , lost my thoughts"
"Sorry, my name is Y/n L/n. I was wondering if you go to Haddonfield Elementary..."

The shape slightly turned his head towards Y/n. "Can I get something to eat? I lost alot of blood and..." she took a breather, even talking was making her weak. "I'm really hungry" she looked down at the floor. Her fingers loosened around his wrist before letting go
He nodded and went on another search, leaving Y/n with her thoughts.

'Why am I even here... I was at my house minding my business then I'm kidnapped by an old 'friend' ' She remembered the news story from the other day about the escaped patient  'who must've been the escapee. What was he put in there for again... right, bludgeoning his own family on Halloween. And apparently I'm labeled a survivor. And now I'm stuck in this house with nowhere to go. Atleast for the next few days. Amanda is probably blowing up my skype and texts. My manager is probably pissed-'

The bed was relatively close to the window. Some of the pieces of ply wood had fallen off, giving some sunlight to the room. She leaned forward a craned her neck to look out. The whole front yard was covered in police tape which hadn't been there when she saw the house last.
"What the hell"
Her eyes squinted as she looked through the dusty glass at her house.
"Ugh the mail box is almost full and- gotdamnit I left the top floor window open. My clothes are still in the washer. For fucks sake" Y/n whined

"He couldn't have just...I dunno... kidnapped me when my laundry was done! The world is just conspiring against me huh"
She could almost feel a presence behind her, she turned her head an saw Michael with a plate and glass in hand.
Her heart dropped of embarrassment, wondering how long he'd been there.
"Tell me you didn't hear any of that"
Y/n gritted her teeth awkwardly.

He shook his head stiffly and set the meal down on the night stand next to the bed.
Y/n scurried to the food and began wolfing it down viciously. Honestly not caring what he thought anymore. Once she was done she gulped down the whole glass of water and let out a gasp.

Her eyes traced up Michael's body and stopped at the black circles where his eyes would be. "So... do you... have any hobbies?" He shook his head once. "Makes sense, seen any movies lately?" Another stiff shake of the head. Y/n figured she could only ask Yes or No questions that he could answer simply by using his head.
"Dang you're boring haha...ha.....ha... AHEm so there's police tape outside. And a dead person's in the other room! Fancy that"
Her esteem crumbled as the tall male watched her silently.

"Who is that anyway, an ex maybe?" She smiled trying to brighten her mood.
If this wasn't the most unnerving thing she'd been through, she didn't know what was.
"Dang don't tell me you killed her, right?" She joked. Deep down she knew the the body was his doing. And still had a feeling that herself was next. 
"Lovely weather right-" Michael grabbed her chin and looked into Y/ns eyes, moving her face side to side like he was inspecting her. He slid his other hand around her hair, smoothing it out, then letting go of Y/ns chin and walking out of the room. Slamming the door behind him.

"It's gonna be a while before I get out of here" Y/n deadpanned

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