•Chapter 18•

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TW: Descriptions of Withdrawal Symptoms, Seizures, Mentions of Childhood trauma

It had been three hours since y/n had visited with her mom. Three hours since she left her mom with more questions than answers. Almost two hours into her research despite the fact that she said she was going to make a phone call. Boxes upon boxes were stacked on her kitchen table. Filled with documents including but not limited to social security, insurance, doctor visits, hospital stays, anything that could help her investigate how and why she had forgotten Michael. She had kept all the papers her mother had on her, just incase the worst had come and maybe just maybe she needed to leave the country. You can never be to sure.

Her eyes had grown tired of reading all the information put in devastatingly small print.
'How the hell do people read all of this in the first place?' Y/n thought as she paged through the next layer of documents. Michael surprisingly didn't bother her, but it was in his nature to watch from afar. He wished he could help- however he wasn't knowledgeable when it came to things like this.

His head started to buzz and twinge and he could feel his balance loosening. He dropped his knife and grabbed his head as he used the doorframe for support. "Michael?" Y/n stood up from her seat and looked over the mountains of paperwork to see where he was. The throbbing in his head began to worsen as his hands started to shake. It was happening again.
"Michael what's wrong?" A mix of fear and confusion washed over her face. Michael fell to his knees, gripping his chest. His eyes couldn't focus on Y/n.

He saw two of everything, making him even more confused with every move he would make. "Michael..." Her words weren't getting through to him. She had no idea what was happening. One moment he was normal, the the next he was like this.

Michael had been having these episodes for about two weeks, a couple days after he had escaped from Smiths Grove. He made sure to hide from Y/n when he had them. At first they weren't anything that bothered him, but day by day they got worse. This time he couldn't hide. He started thrashing his head uncontrollably; grabbing onto the door frame struggling to gain control over his body.

Y/n felt so useless watching him like this. But she didn't want to get hurt or freighten him in this state. He was having some sort of seizure.

Michael's mind slowly came back to him; his vision clearing with it. Feeling his heartbeat in his throat, Michael thought about what happened. About what Y/n would think of him after the episode he just had. The last thing he wanted was for Y/n to be afraid of him.

"Can you hear me now?" She knelt infront of him slowly. Fuck, even kneeling he was scary because of how big he actually was. She gulped and looked at his slowly rising head.
With the way he was acting, he had recovered somewhat quickly. Something told her that this wasn't the first time Michael had experienced this.
He nodded once. "Michael, something tells me that this has happened more than once"
She handed him a notebook and pen.

"You don't have to write anything, your hands might be shaking still. This is just incase"
Y/n took a breath before continuing
"Has this happened to you before?"
It took a second for Michael to respond, but he shook his head once.
"Michael...don't lie to me"
A few moments past and he lifted the pencil and notebook.

Scribbling something short down; he had the notebook held infront of her face in no time.
She sighed. Just how long has he been keeping this from her?
"This might be a bit taboo to bring up, but when did these start?"
Y/n knew the consequences of potentially bringing up a harmful past; but when you're a cold hearted killer like Michael, he could care less about his past... besides the memories with Y/n in it.
He couldn't lie to her- not like this. Showing such thoughtfulness to him. It almost felt like a gift being treated like a person rather than a murderous beast in chains.

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