Chapter 1: The New School...

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𝑰'𝒎 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔...

Fredbear groaned as the alarm clock went off, he slaped the alarm clock off the bed side table to shut it of. But as soon as he tried to sleep again, his brother Springtrap came through the door "Get up brother!" Springtrap said trying to wake him up while shaking him. Fredbear groaned once more "let me sleep.." Fredbear groaned "No! Its time to get ready and go to our new school!" Springtrap said in eximent still trying to wake his brother up. But once Fredbear heard these words he jumped up really fast, causing him to strain his neck a bit "What?" Fredbear asked while he held his neck "yeah its our first day today! Get ready!" Springtrap said as he ran out of Fredbears room, Fredbear sat on the ege of bed side and held his neck. Since he might of sprained it from jumping up so fast, After a few seconds the pain started to go away. So he sat up and started to get ready, After a few minutes Fredbear was ready so he exited his room and went to the kitchen were his family was. "Goodmorning Fredbear" Fredbears mother greeted him, as she sat the plates of food down. "Goodmorning mom" Fredbear said as he kissed her cheek and sat down and started to eat.

After they got done eating it was time for school, "Ya'll ready for school?" Fredbears Father asked him and his siblings "Yes!" they all said. They then went out to the car and Fredbears father drove them to the nee school, there their cousin GoldenFreddy and Freddy where waiting for them, once they got of the car Springtrap went straight up and hugged them "hey guys!" he said with joy in seeing his cousins, "Hey spring!" GoldenFreddy said as he hugged springtrap, letting go after a few seconds, Freddy then looked at Fredbear and Molten. "Hey Fred, hey molten!" he waved at them as their father left, Fredbear waved back but molten just annoyed him and walked past them. "He hates school.." Fredbear said as he walked up to Freddy and hugged him, "yeah and can't hide it.." Freddy said as he and Freebear stopped hugging. Then they all 4 walked in to the school following behind molten, who was ahead of them.

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Freddy waved to me but I just igonored it "I hate school" I mumbled as I looked back to see the others following behind. I then looked back infront of me and saw a bear at the lockers he looked sad. He had greyish fur and purple highlights in his hair, I stopped and could feel someon bump into me, I looked back to see Freddy on the floor. Guessing he bumped into me on acident, he stood up and brushed himselft off "Why'd you sop Molten?" He asked as Iooked over and saw the bear now looking at me he quickly turned back to face his locker, once I saw him. "whos that?" I said pointing at the direction he was in "oh...thats lefty...the school bullies brother..." Freddy exclaimed "so no one messes with him..." GoldenFreddy said as he crossed his arms "Anyways we should show you around now" GoldenFreddy said as he walked forward...

Freddy and GoldenFreddy were showing us around but I cound'nt stop thinking abou that bear, and how he looked lonely. He may be the School bullies brother but that doesen't mean anything...

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This school was so big! I then looked over to see Molten he seemed quit "Hey Molten are you okay?" I asked as I put my hand on his shoulder."Yeah i'm okay.." he groaned quietly, for the rest of the tour we both were quiet...

I was sitting on my dorm bed, yes we already have dorm rooms... I sighed as I sat on my bed it was 3:00 meaning Golden Freddy and Freddy still had a few minutes of school left, I just layed laid down on the bed out of bordom. "Hey Fred..." I heard a quite but deep voice say that i'm guessing is molten, I sat up and saw Molten at my dorm room door "Yes?" I groaned out in boredom. He then came over to me and sat down on my bed "Remeber...when we saw that bear this morning?" he sair looking down "Yeah the school bullies brother?" I asked, he nodded in responce. "what about him?" I asked as I scooted closer to him "Well do you think hes like his brother?" He asked as he looked at me. "I mean it depends..." I blurted out, he just looked down at the floor again. He started to speak but then GoldenFreddy came through the door, Molten looked annoyed a bit. "Hey guys!" Golden then waved "Hey gold..." Molten groaned, "Hey golden!" I said. "I'm gonna go now..." Molten said as he got up and left the room, me and golden just looked confused as we watched him leave, Gold then looked over at me and I strugged...

I was annoyed like doesn't he know how to knock? I sighed as I left the dorm and went out in the hallway, I then saw they bear again I think Lefty was is name? I'm not good at remebering names, but this time he was with someone it looked like a cat with a part hat on? I just shrugged it off and walked up to them "hi..." I said polietly I guess, "Hello!" the cat thing said but the bear just stayed quite "are you new here?" the creature then asked "Yeah i'm MoltenFreddy but call me Molten..." I said "Well i'm Ennard and this is my brother Lefty!" Ennard said as he put his hand on his shoulder, Lefty just waved "hes shy" Ennard smiled...

this bear was talking to us but why? I mean hes new but I did see him with goldenFreddy and Freddy... "w...why" I said shyly "what do you mean?" Molten I think his name was asked " school...Bully..." I said trying to not stutter as much. He just laughed, I looked at him like hes crazy "It doesn't mean yourr like him..." he said trying to stop laughing, I blushed a little and I thin Ennard noticed beacuse he grined "But...I..mean hes..protective...and he might...kill you..." I said trying to save him from ou brother, he stopped laughing "And?" he said woth no fear. "we'll be your friend!" Ennard said with exitment, I looked at my step brother like he was crazy. But I just gave in "...Fine.." I groaned...

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well this chapter one...Tell me in the commets ehat you think of the book so far! Anyways see ya next time peace 👌

-ƒиαƒ нιgнѕϲнοοℓ-(Nightbear and MoltenFrefty)Where stories live. Discover now