Chapter 3: Why is love so difficult...?

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Warning this chapter is more Nightbear/Fredmare then MoltenFrefty
And Fredbears gonna be having his Intersex probloms aka girl probloms to make it more interesting!  I guess...

Its been a a week since Fredbear met Nightmare, and ever since hes been trying to make friends with him...But everytime he rejects, but for some reason never bullies him...? Could he be inlove with Fredbear just like Fredbear fell inlove with him?
ωнγ ιѕ ℓονє ѕο ∂郃ιϲυℓτ...?

It was the weekend and Fredbear decided to sleep in, but Springtrap decided to come bust down Fredbears door and wake him up... "Wake up! Wake up!" Springtrap yelled trying to wake Fredbear up. Now don't get me wrong Fredbear is indead energetic like Springtrap, but sometimes energetic people can be lazy and want to sleep.... Fredbear groaned out in tiredness, "Wake up! Where going to the park!" Springtrap yelled in exitment as he ran out of the room... Fredbear got out of bed and then started to fell cramps in his lower "todays not my day..." He mumbled as he went into the bathroom to ready.

After Fredbear got ready he headed out to meet up with the others, they were juat waiting paitenly at the door. Springtrap then noticed him and waved "Hey Fred!" He then said "are you okay?" Freddy then asked his younger cousin "i'm fine..." Fredbear groaned "Cramps?" GoldenFreddy said as he looked at his phone "Yeah...being Intersex ia hard..."  Fredbear groaned out. "Well we should get going now!" GoldenFreddy said as he put his phone down, they then left the dorms and headed to the park...

-ƒяє∂ϐєαяѕ ρον-
I was sitting on the park bench next to Springtrap who was eating ice cream, I held my stomech it felt like it was on fire. "Hey Fred I got you some pain killers..." Freddy said as he gave me the pain killers and some water, I took the pain killers and right after drank the water to wash the pills down. It was gonna take awhile before it took afect though, I just sighed then looked over to see Nightmare and his brother Lefty? Freddy sat down next to me and Spring who had finished his ice cream, Freddy tried to put his arm around my shoulder but I snapped at him...

Its now been an hour since we've been here and i've started feeling better, but I coulden't get Nightmare out of my mind...Everytime I tried I would just think of him again, and I only met him this week. ωнγ ιѕ ℓονє ѕο ∂郃ιϲυℓτ...? I thought to myselft, I then heard a voice call me. I looked over "Fred were leaving!" Molten called, I got up and followed them back to the doorms. But instead of going into the door room I decided to take a little walk around school, they let me go and I walked a bit until I bumped into someone....
-иιgнτмαяєѕ ρον-
I felt someone bump into me "HEY! Watch were your" It was him the Blondie bear, I satrted to blush a little as he looked up at  me "are you going to help me or not?" He snapped, now thats I know not him by the week I meet him. "Fine I don't need your help.." He groaned as he rolled his eye and got up, and brushed himself off before walking off. I sighed why does he have to be so cute? Wait what? I blushed as soon as I thought that what the fu-? I took a deep breath and walked to the dorms, I got to the dorms and walked in my dorm. I saw Ennard and Lefty watching TV, so I just went up to my room. I didn't see Yenndo though, hes probaly asleep. I opened my door and flopped on my bed and thought about that bear, and... No why... Do I like him? I'v never fell in love before...I've only known him for a week and I already feel attrached to him... I pressed my paws against my face hiding ωнγ ιѕ ℓονє ѕο ∂ιℓℓιϲυℓτ...?

God why did I snap at him? He could've hurt me...Fredbear was currenlty in bed thinking about what happend a few minutes ago, I mean I didn't mean too...I... Fredbear then sighed and sat up from bed, Fredbear was a little scared of Nightmare even though he likes him, he has seen him bully others and he tries to stop him and help his "victum" out... Fredbear was now sitting at the edge of the side of the bed thinking, he then heard a knock on the door "yes?" Yes replied "um..Its dinner..." The voice on the other side of the door said, which he was guessing Molten "i'll be there in a second..."Fredbear grunted as he sat up from bed and headed to the door way...
Fredbear was more quite then usual during dinner and after, hes usually very energetic...Wait could Nightmare have... After dinner I walked over to Nightmare and his brothers dorm and knocked, "what?" Nightmare groaned as he openes the door to see me. "What do you want?" He growled "what did you do to my cousing?" I fought back. "You have a cousin?" He asked, I sighed "yes hes a short Blondie boy, with baby blue eyes..." He sad, I think I suprised him a little "I didn' do anything..." He said slamming the door on my face, making me flinch a little. I just sighed and gave in but thats when "Hey gold!" I looked over to see ToyChica "hey..." I said shyly, I might have a crush on her oh well...I walked back to my dorm and layed down on my bed...

I was laying on my bed bored out my mind when I heard a door slam, I just shrugged it off but then remembered I can next lefty. I got my phone out and started texting him







Me and lefty chatted a "little" until I realised it was almost midnight
I put my phone on the bed side table and tried to sleep but then started to thinkmof lefty, I blushed a litlle trying to get it out of my mind. After a few minutes I fell asleep....

το ϐє ϲουиτιиυє∂...

Any ideas leave the in the commets beacuse my mind went blank...

-ƒиαƒ нιgнѕϲнοοℓ-(Nightbear and MoltenFrefty)Where stories live. Discover now