Chapter 2: Our first real school day...

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-ƒяє∂ϐєαя ρον-

was sitting on my bed bored once again, so I decided to see what everyone was up to, I got out of bed and went to the main room of our dorm aka the living room I guess you can say that... I saw GoldenFreddy and Springtrap hanging out on the couch, while Freddy was doing homework I think I don't know.But I didn't see molten anywhere in sight. "Hey guys wheres Molten?" I asked, Springtrap looked up "I think he left to go somewhere..." Spring said while smiling "okay..." I said softly, but then molten came in he seemed happier then usual. He walked into his room, I looked at the other they just shrugged...

Its been a few hours since Molten came back, and now i'm getting ready for bed. I got my pajamas on and flopped down on my bed and covered myself up and tried to go to sleep. Rembering tomarrows gonna be me and my brothers real school day...

The alarm clock went off startaling Fredbear, where he fell off the bed and onto the floor. He groaned as he tried to get back into bed, once he got up he sat on his bed. He let out a soft sigh and went to go get dressed, since it is his and his brothers first day at their new school...

-мοℓτєи ρον-
Me and the others were waiting for Fredbear to come out of his room, after a bit he came out wearing a purple long sleve shirt and blue jeans "Hey guys" he groaned still a little tired. "Well lets go!" GoldenFreddy said as he opened the door and walked, we followed behind...

I finally got to the classroom I was assighed to, the others already went to their clasaroom. I took a deep breath and walked in I saw the teacher look at me "ah...yes I forgot to metion we have a new student, you may come in!" She said as I walked in...
-ℓєƒτγ ρον-
I saw as a boy walk in, it was molten...he was wearing a black jacket and black pants, I blushed a little I did here the girls start wispering and blushimg. Wasn't new to me beacuse alot of girls crush on my brother Nightmare, to the point were he is gay technecally... "You can sit by Lefty, Lefty raise your hand!" I raised my hand and he walked over and sat down. I blushed a bit but then heard people start mummbling...Yeah, people hate me beacuse i'm the schools bully brother, and some hate me beacuse i' "Hey...!" I heard Molten greet. I looked over at him and gave him a shy "hi"...

We were done with the first class, me and molten where juat talking and heading to our next class. Which was coincidentaly the same class, but then I saw my oldest brother Nightmare aka the schools bully...Now that I think of it he may be a bully but he cares about me and my brothers, and protects us I guess you can say hes the best big brother in the whole world. He notice me and he straight away looked at Molten, and glared at him "He brother..." I said as I looked down, Molten then looked at him and waved. "You okay Lefty?" He wispered, Nightmare still glaring at him "hes...My brother...aka..the school bully..." Molten then looked up and Nightmare started to growl "who are you?!" Nightmare growled "um...I'm Leftys friend..." Molten said with a little fear in hia voice, Nightmare then looked over at me, I just looked down avoiding eye contact... Nightmare then moved closer to us, he grabed Molten suprising him "if you hurt him i'll make your life a living hell" Nightmare growled, Molten nodded and Nightmare let go and walked off. "I'm sorry..-" "hey its okay!" He smiled. Then we heard the bell go off, and quickly headed to class...

-иιgнτмαяє ρον-
I was sitting at my desk thinking about Lefty and that new "friend" of his, now don't get me wrong I don't mind him having friends...I just don't just anyone with my brother, beacuse they could r@pe him for all I know. I then heard the teacher say we had a new student, I looked over to see a blondie bear walk in. Not gonna lie he looked cute, wait what? "You can sit by Nightmare..." The teacher groaned as he said my name "Nightmare raise your hand..." He said with annoyance. I just rolles my eyes and raised my hand and he came over to me... I blushed a little as he sat down... "Hi!" He said as he said as he looked at me nervously...? "Hi..." I groaned, he just looked down at the next "my names Fred..bear whata yours?" He said stuttering a little bit "Nightmare, Nightmare Horror..." I groaned as I rolled my eyes...

-ƒяє∂ϐєαя ρον-

I was sitting next to this hot bear, and I ain't the one who usally falls fast. And this is my first crush...wait? Do I like him already? I mean hes hot an all but I don't really know him... Could this be ℓονє ατ ƒιяѕτ ѕιgнτ? No it couldn't b...right...?

Class now over and I was leaving the classroom when I saw him, "hey!" I yelled as I walked up to him "hey um.." I didn't know what to say "if you want to be friends NO!" He said as stopped off, well this is gonna be harder then I thought...I then remebered I needed to head to class, I rushed off to my next class....
It was finally the end of the school day! I flopped onto my bed and started thinking about that bear, then I remeberd maybe I can ask Golden or Freddy about him? I got off my bed and headed to the living room, I aaw Freddy and decided to ask him if he knows him. "Hey Freddy!" I greeted him "hey" he said in responce. "Do you know anyone named Nightmare?" I asked he looked at me in surprise "why do you wanna know?" He asked, once he said this I looked doqm blushing I don't think he noticed. I then heard him sigh and I looked up "hes the school bully" he said shocking me. Did I really fall for the school bully? Well maybe he can change...

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-ƒиαƒ нιgнѕϲнοοℓ-(Nightbear and MoltenFrefty)Where stories live. Discover now