Chapter 5: Advoidence...

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This is kinda a part two of Cuts!? Okay...
This takes place 1 week later...They also are back home from the dorms since its a "holiday"
οиϲє αgαιи ι∂єα ϐγ BudgieBird001
This is kinda rushed...

Molten and lefty have been getting closer by the few weeks, and soon enough they start falling for eachother. But one day Molten asked lefty to hang out Lefty did think this through first and decided to go for it, but this means he'll have to go through his parents...He was up in his room it was arouns 3:00 in the afternoon around the time Molten wanted to hang out, he went down stairs to find his mom drinking a bottle of beer. He tried to sneak by but "where do you think your going boy?" A raspy voice asked, he turned around to see his father holding a beer bottle in his hands. He was clearly drunk " hang...out...with a..friend..." He stuttered, hia father then smacked him "No your not!" He yelled. Lefty started crying and then he realised his father raised his hand with the bottle and tried to hit him with it but...His older brother Nightmare got in the way in he got hit on the head instead, his brother was now bleeding from his head Lefty was terrified on what was happening. Nghtmare then grabbed Lefty and ran to Leftys room "look i'll handle him, now go have fun..." Nightmare said to his little brother "but..." "Look i'll be fine...Now don't leave your friend waiting..." Nightmare said as he left the room. Lefty then looked over at the window and crawled out of it and ran to where Molten asked him to meet up, which was the park Lefty arrived at the park and saw Molten sitting on the park bench. He went over and sat next to molten who didn't realise him yet "hey..." Lefty said making Molten jump "oh hey Lefty..." Molten said Lefty just waved, he was still worried about his older brother.

After awhile of talking they decided to go eat somewhere, so they went to Mc.Donalds. Molten payed fo the food after they ate they decided to end the hang out their, Lefty went home and entered through the bedroom window,Lefty then heard the door start to opened and quickly closed the window and layed on his bed. His mother came to see if he was still here, she left after she saw Lefty was still in his room. Tears then started to escape Leftys eyes and he atarted to cry tears of sadness "Why?" He asked himself "Brat shut up!" Leftys mother then yelled, Lefty tried to stop he finally cried himself to sleep

-The next morning-
-ℓєƒτγѕ ρον-
I woke up and got out of bed and stretched, I got dressed for school I decided to wear a red and yellow long sleeved shirt and some blue jeans. I then grabbed my knife I had in my bathroom and started to cut, after a few minutes I washed the cuts and bandaged them, I covered the bandages up with my sleeves. I then walked down and saw my siblings waiting for me and "mom" and "dad" drinking again "Lefty!" I heard my dad yell, I walked over I could see Nightmare start growling a little and could see he had bandages around his head from yesterday. "Ye..yes F..Father?" I asked "Do NOT hang out with that friend of yours! And if I find out you have been I will peronaly kill you!" He yelled my mother laughed, twars atarted falling from my tears, then he slapped me making my ears go down "useless child" he laughed. I ran out the door crying, I ran to school and I could fell my siblings following me "LEFTY!" i heard one of my brothers yell. I didn't stop until I reached the school I felt a paw on my shoulder "Hey its okay..." I heard my older Brother Nightmare said to calm Me down. I took a deep breath and hugged him "I-I love you brother..." I said crying "shhh~ I love you too~" He said patting my head "we should go.." I heard my twin brother Yenndo tell us, me and Nightmare stopped hugging and entered the school and went straight to our dorm. I unpack my things since it was a holiday yesterday meaning we had to go home... I heard the school bell ring, I got my school suplies and went to class "Hey Lefty!" I heard someone yell, I looked over to see Molten I ignored him and continued walking to class...

-мοℓτєиѕ ρον-
Did Lefty just ignored me? I was confused like what did I do for him to advoide me, I just shrugged it off and headed to class which was with Lefty. I sat down next to lefty he just advoided eye contact, maybe he was in a bad mood I thought...

It was now the end of school and I was heading to my dorm when I saw Lefty "Hey-" he ignored me again he has all day, and I was getting worried now... "Hey..." I heard I think Ennard said, I just ignored him and contiued to walk to my dorm...

-α мοиτн ℓατєя...-

Its been a month since the event and Lefty has been advoiding Molten ever since, Molten was now getting really worried when he had enough. He decided to confront lefty and he wouldn't take no as and answer, he confronted Lefty and before Lefty could walk away he grabbed his arm and pulled him closer, Lefty could fill his face heat up from being this close to Molten "why are you advoiding me?" Molten asked, Lefty just looked down and he could feel a tear run down his cheek "it's my...parents..." Lefty confessed "what?" Molten asked conffused "They and my...brothers..." Lefty started crying. Molten was shocked he then hugged Lefty "shhh...It'll be okay..." Molten said rubbing leftys back, these actions reminded Lefty of how his elder brother Nightmare calms him down "Let it out~" Molten demanded, Lefty started crying letting his feeling out, as Molten stayed their and calmed him down through it...

το ϐє ϲουиτιиυє∂...

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