Chapter 4: Cuts!?

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This Chapter Might be in two parts, one a moltenFrefty part and this one a Fredmare/Nightbear part...
But its going to be chapters I guess...
ϲнαρτєя ι∂єα ϐγ BudgieBird001

Nightmare was sitting on his bed doing his usual morning "routine" cutting himself, alot of his siblings do it exept Ennard....He heard a knock on the door "What?" he growled in annoyance "Hey bro, juat seeing if your okay..." Said is step brother Ennard on the other side of the door...Ennard may know about the cutting of his step siblings and everytime he tries to stop them, but nothing works...The thing is Nightmare known like his other siblings he doesn't bother to clean the cuts, and stead he leaves them to get infected...As he cares little about his cutes, but everytime he wants to commit suicide he stops himself beacuse he has to protect his siblings from the world...After he knew Ennard left he countinued cutting making his cuts worse and worse...

Nightmare was finally done cutting and like always he puts his sleeves down so no one would notice, well at least he thought no one would notice... The school bell rung it was now time for his first class...

Meanwhile a blonde bear named Fredbear, was gettng ready for school. He decided to wear a long sleeved purple shirt and purple sweat pants, since he loves the color purple. Alot of people at school make fun of him for purple being his favorite color but he just ignores it, after he was dressed he went do see his siblings and cousins waiting for him.Thats when teh school bell rung "Well lets go!" his younger brother springtrap yelled. Meanwhile Molten his older brother by 1 year just groaned, they then left the dorms and headed to their classes...

-иιgнτмαяєѕ ρον-
I was walking to class when I decided to look down at my hand and noticed my blood was soaking through my sleeves, but I didn't care its not like anyone would notice. Since I wore a red shirt today, I then bumped into someone "What the fu-" I growled before I saw that it was him the Blondie that for some reason I fell on love with in 5 weeks... Or when I firat met him I guess love at first sight does exist...He looked up at me "I-I'm so sorry..." he apolagised, I just got up and walked away avoiding him...

It was now second period meaning I had class with the Blondie, he looked nervous while he was sitting by me...Was he scared of my or was it something else? I just ingnored it and at time I would look at him and for some reason he made me feel happy inside or something, I then looked down at my hands again and saw that the blood dried. I then looked over at him he noticed I was looking at my sleeves for some reason "What? I growled, he just looked at the teacher again...

-ƒяє∂ϐєαяѕ ρον-
During class I felt like I was being stared at, at random times but when I looked I didn't see any one looking at me. So I just ignored it but then I had a feeling to look over at Nightmare, he was looking at his hands I looked down at his hands aswell, and saw that the end of the sleeves were a darking shade of red. It looked like the shade of blood? Was his wrist bleeding!? I then noticed he spotted me he growled a "What?" and I quickly looked away. And didn't look at him for the reat of the class period...

It was now the end of school and I saw Nightmare, I decided to say hi. I walked up to him and greeted him he just groaned a "what?" I looked down at his hands or wrist I should say "why does your end of your sleeves look bloody?" I asked. I looked up at him he looked suprised and sad at the same time, then it hit me could he be cutting? I asked my self in my thoughts. I then decided to try and touch it, I reached down and touched one of his wrist he let out a painful "ow!" and snatched his wrist away from my grib. I then grabbed his arm and led him to the bathroom to see if Imwas right, I could tell he was trying to get away but I held my grip strong. Once I got to the mens bathroom I stopped and turned towards him "do you cut?" I asked, he looked away from me I then took one of his arms and lifted up his sleeve. It suprised me and him their where freah cuts I guess, and it didn't look like they were cleaned and were starting to get infected. I just looked up at him he was looking down at the ground his ears down, "Why do you cut?" I asked him, "Beacuse i'm worthless..." He growled I pressed my paw against his face making it red as a tomato. "Your not worthless!" I said as a smile spread acrossed my face, trying to make him feel better. "We should get you to the nurse..." I said as I let go of his face "Wait no!" He yelled out in fear? I looked at him "why?" I asked "beacuse their call my parents..." he said a tear forming in his eye, wait did hisarents make him want to do self harm? I let out a sigh "Fine I wont..." I said as his ears went up "really?" He asked I nodded. "He then went from happy to his normal moody expression and started to walk away, when I grabbed his arm "wait! I should clean your cuts first...!" I yelled making him look back, he let out a soft growl "does it look like I want it cleaned!?" he growled out in anger, he then escaped my grip, I then looked him with sadness in my eyes. He may be the school bully but for some reason I care about him, and I might of figered out I might like him. But what he said next "Fine!" he growled, but then realised I had to bring him to my dorm and my cousins don't like him much sooo..."But we have to go to my dorm.." I said as I tried to avoid eye contact with him, I then grabbed him and leaded us to my dorm. Once he saw my dorm he froze "why does this dorm seem familier!?" he growled "beacuse...GoldenFreddy and Freddy are my...cousins..." I expected him to hate or hit me since he and golden hate eachother, but he just looked at me and did nothing. I then opened the door to see Golden he looked at us in shock "what are you doing with him!?" he growled...I just ignored him and leaded Nightmare to my dorm to clean his cuts, once I got to my dorm room I headed straight to the bathroom and Nightmare waited outside the bathroom. I grabed a cloth and wettend it it with the sink water, I grabbed some bandages and walked out and started cleaning the cuts.He jolted back a little and I could tell it was painfull, after I washed the cuts I put the bandages on his wrists to help them heal... After I was done I stood up "No more cutting..." I said as I crossed my arms, he just looked down "fine..." He groaned as he atood up and left the dorm... I just layed down in bed and stared at the ceiling thinkng about him, I started to blush as I thought about him I smiled a little... "How did I fall for a bully?" I muttered to myself...

-иιgнτмαяєѕ ρον-
I walked back to my dorm thinking about that Blondie and how he helped me with my cuts, I entered my dorm and walked to my room ignoring my step brother being weird. Not everyone knows this or I guess no one exept me and mynother siblings know that Ennard just act the way he is beacuse...He tries to hide his depression... I walked into my room and sat on my bed and looked at my cuts he bandaged up I started to blush a little. As i thought about how kind he was to help someone like me...

το ϐє ϲουиτιυє∂...

-ƒиαƒ нιgнѕϲнοοℓ-(Nightbear and MoltenFrefty)Where stories live. Discover now