Chapter 6: The Truth is out...

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Lefty and Molten were currently walking to their dorms, Lefty had calmed down from the confession...Molten was going to tell his siblings and cousins about the abuse, and confront Leftys parents and send them to jail for child abuse. Molten entered his dorm and saw Fredbear on the couch, Fredbear looked up "Hey Molten..." Fredbear said "I need you to get the others..." Molten demanded. Fredbear was confused but did what he was told too...

Fredbear has gathered the others in the main room, and molten sat on the couch so did Fredbear. Molten started to tell them the truth, as soon as he finished he heard a soft gasp. "I kinda knew..." Fredbear blurted out, Molten look at him "what?" Molten asked "I..Had a feeling..." Fredbear confessed he was looking the oppisite derection of Molten. Molten then let out a sigh and got up and went to his room to process today...

-мοℓτєиѕ ρον-
The alarm went off startaling me, making me fall out of bed and hit the floor. I groaned as I got up and turned the alarm off, it was another school day...I hate school... I carried my legs to my dorm bathroom too get ready...

After I was done getting ready, I headed out my dorm room and went to the main room and sat down on the couch. I saw Fredbear eating a peace of toast "hey Fred..." I groaned "Hi.." He greeted as he ate his toast...I let out a sigh After school i'm going to front Leftys parents and hopefully send them to jail, the school bell went of and me any my siclings,cosins hurred to our classes...

On the way to class I saw Lefty talking to someone who looked kinda like him but taller "Hey lefty!" I asked, he looked over at me and waved "Who is he?" I asked looking at the other being "Oh he is my twin brother Yenndo!" Lefty said in a cute tone "Hi" Yenndo groaned as he walked of "is he-" "yes..." Lefty said cutting me off, we then walked to class together and I told him that I was going to put his parents in jail, he agreed...
It was now the end of school and I was sitting on my bed with my phone, I was going to call the police and I did get the address from Lefty... I hesitated a little but had the strength to call 911 "Hello what is your emergency?" I heard a female ask on the other side of the phone, I lwt out a sigh "My friend and...his sibling are being a abused by their parents..." I said a litlle hesaintly, it was silent for a few seconds "okay...What is the address?" The female asked "********" "Okay the police is on their way..." She said "Thank you..." I said as I hung up. I sighed in relief hes going to be safe...

I asked my sibling and cosins as well as lefty and his siblings to acompany me, we got to the house and their we saw a police car and police men arresing their parents. I could see the anger on their faces as they saw us "you stupid children, you'll pay for this!" Leftys "Mother" growled "you deserve this" I growled back I then felt Lefty hug me "Thank you..." He said tears in his eyes I then pet him, I looked up and saw his brother Nightmare glaring at me, I just smirked I then saw Fredbear hug him a bit. Wait did I see blush? Does he like my younger Brother...? Lefty then let go off me and what he did shock me a little, he kissed my cheek making me blush... I then burried my face in my hands blushing...
-The Next day-
-ƒяє∂ϐєαяѕ ρον-
I was walking to class when I saw Nightmare bulling someone, I really though he was going to stop. I ran to them and atood in Nightmares way I knew he wasn't going to hurt me for some reason "get out of my way!" He growled "No!" I said with no fear, he just glared at me and then walked off. I turned around to see if the kid was okay, I reached out my hand to help him up "Thank you!" She said and then walked off. I started off to my class again...

School was finally over! I was walking to my dorm when I saw Nightmare leaning on the lockers, so I wanted to say "hi" I walked up to him, his glowing red eyes amazed me, I then started to blush and waved. He waved back he then started to smirk a little, I let out a sigh "Can I tell you something? Its about eariler..." I said, he raised an eye brow "And what would that be?" He said as he lifted my chin with his paw making me blush... "Can you...Stop bulling people..." I asked as I looked into his red eyes, he was silent for a few seconds "Fine...But it has a price..." He said, I gulped "What is it?" I asked "You have to be my boyfriend..." He said suprising me. It took me a few seconds to process it, but then my face started to heat up "What-" i was stopped by him pressing his lips against mine "you have to be my boyfriend..." He said his face only an inch away from mine... "Fine..." I said as I blush, I think he noticed beacuse he kissed me again. After a few seconds we break apart "good boy" he said teasinly, it made me blush even harder...

-ℓєƒτγѕ ρον-
Molten called me for something and he asked to meet him in his dorm room, I entered his dorm room and their I saw him sitting on his "Molten?" I asked, he turned my way "hey...Lefty..." He hesitated a little. He then sat up and walked over to me "why did me here..." I said blushing beacuse he was so close to my face, he then grabed my hand "I need to tell you something" he said hia face litting up as red as a tomato "" He said my facing heating up I then kissed him, suprising him a little but he kissed back "I love you too..." I confessed we then kissed again. This day was the happiest day of my life...

The new couples have told their siblings and cosins that they are together, and eventually the whole school found out. Nightmare has promised Fredbear he would stop bulling others, after they gradurated they all had a pretty normal life. They had started a family and they would see eachother at times and let their kids play and stuff... They were a happy family...

τнє єи∂...

-ƒиαƒ нιgнѕϲнοοℓ-(Nightbear and MoltenFrefty)Where stories live. Discover now