i hate you

978 14 3

im nervous, it's already been a week since "that" happened. i feel anxious, but my dad hasn't said anything so it's relieving. i haven't seen patrick since that day. i miss him, i really do. should i go see him?

patrick pov:
i was sitting down on the side of the bridge. im still shocked, about the kiss, well kisses. i honestly don't care about what anyone thinks, but i'm definitely sure henry does. i think he likes me. he didn't really pull back from the kiss, maybe it's a sign.
"hey pat, haven't seen you in a while."
i looked over and saw henry walking towards me. "hey hen. come sit, i missed your face." i said with a confident voice, but i really wasn't that confident. i was nervous to hear what he said.
"so uh about last week.." oh god. this was definitely bad. "just to let you know i'm not a fag or anything, that was just.." he stopped for a second, it felt confusing. shouldnt he know what to say? "it felt- god how the fuck do i say this. it was just a one time thing:" definitely didn't feel like a one time thing. he would've instantly pulled back if it was another boy. "so what did you need?" i said in a lower tone. "well i just wanted to talk to you. And, i will admit..the kiss was okay. But i'm done with you. I cant be friends with someone i was about to have sex with, twice." the junkyard and at his house. god he's definitely gay. i got up and began to walk off, i heard footsteps after me and saw henry following me. "what the hell do you want henry?" i asked seeming a bit annoyed after what he had said. "why are you so fucking mad? i should be mad, you didn't even get permission to kiss me asshole!" "well maybe if i knew you didn't want me to kiss you or show any affection to you, i would have just stopped! you know i'm not really that type of fucking person." i said in a angry tone. i saw henry's face turn red. "well actually you are! you put your arms around my waist, what the hell is that? stop trying to be inlove with me, it won't work. i'm way different than other people, i'm not gay, i have a abusive dad, i get beat up and made fun of by him every other fucking day! just...just leave me the fuck alone." i stopped walking and turned to see henry leaving the other direction. i felt angry, hatred but also care for henry. i felt sorry for him, maybe i was a bit pressuring, but i couldn't help it. it's just how i am, but if henry does want to take his time that's fine with me. And your probably wondering, why choose henry? well first of all he was one of my first friends, before belch and victor. and he had respect for me, supported me sometimes, helped me gain confidence and was just a good friend. yeah he's a bully, psychopath, and terrorist but hes sweet, deep inside. he has good in him. i am also like him, just a bit worse. but im okay with that, i just didn't wanna hurt henry. not as much as i did now.

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