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tw: mention of suic*dal thoughts
henry's pov:
patrick is unbelievable, why the hell would he say all that? i don't know if i'm gay, it's just confusing! pat is my best friend, i love him. wait no! what the fuck am i saying? he's special to me, but not in the way i want him to be. i've always had a massive crush on him, that's the reason i'm the meanest to him. if i cant show any affection to him, maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

i heard a knock on my door, i got up from my bed. i grabbed a shirt and slipped it on quickly before opening the door. "hey henry, mind if i come in?" it was victor. "hey vic! yeah come in." i was sorta disappointed it wasn't Patrick, i wanted him to apologize but first i needed to tell victor about it.

"oh, well shit." "yeah..shit." victor looked a bit surprised. he had known about the kiss but why was he surprised about us fighting? "oh henry.. it's just, Patrick's moving away, in like a month i think." he didn't even think about telling me. of course he wouldn't. "but victor, why wouldn't he tell me?" he sighed for a second. "because he really loves you, he truly does, and if you clearly can't see it , maybe you both don't deserve each other. maybe your gonna need someone else, someone like me." i was shocked but then he leaned in and kissed me. i resisted the urge to stop him, it felt less pressuring. but who am i? and who do i like? he shifted his hand to my crotch and started to palm me through my jeans. i feel guilty about Patrick, i played with his heart. "vic, stop. i'm sorry but maybe your taking things a bit quickly?" "oh i thought you felt the same." he moved his hand and put it to his side. "victor, i gotta fix things with Patrick. i'm sorry, i truly am but i just can't now." victor nodded and smiled. that's what i liked about him, he understood me. "be careful henry, remember i love you." i stopped, i looked back and smiled. i ran over and hugged him. i haven't hugged anyone in so long.

Patrick's short pov:
i love henry, but i want him to move on. i want him to be happy. maybe i'm just better off  killing myself, i don't have to live a bully or a psychopath for the rest of my life. i want my problems to end. for good.

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