Hunt the freak

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Me, Dustin, Max, Robin and Steve were all in the grocery store picking up supplies for Eddie. Wandering down the cereal section alone I thought back to mine and Eddie's hug. It seemed so weird. Yeah we had been close but there was a time when we hadn't talked for months, to hug me like that just seemed strange. I didn't mind, I mean I would probably hug him out of all the others in the room if I had seen what happened to Chrissy so maybe I was just reading into it too much. It's not like he hugged me and slipped his hands up my top or grabbed my butt or kissed my neck... What. Shacking my head to dismiss the thoughts I noticed Dustin heading towards me. "Are you having a hard time?" I looked at him with my brows furrowed in confusion "choosing cereal" Dustin pointed to the boxes I'd been  staring at deep in thought "Oh erm no I'm just looking for the Honey Comb one it was his favourite when we were younger." With that I grabbed the box and walked with Dustin back to the others.

"Jesus Christ!" Eddie held his chest after Dustin had burst through the door of the boat house making Eddie leap out of his skin. Steve gave Eddie a little finger wiggling wave and we handed over the goods. Dustin and Max spoke to Eddie about the PD looking for him for Chrissy's death. Robin chimed in to tell him that his name wasn't public to offer some comfort to an otherwise unbearable situation. Eddie's face seemed sunken he was that worried, Dustin gave an over simplified plan to find and kill Vecna which made Eddie reply sarcastically "That's all Dustin".

Robin started going on about having delt with things like this before in a shadow form and saying the others had dealt with it in a human flesh way. Robin optimistically believed that we could really do this even without some girl with super powers. Conversations and brainstormed ideas jumped out all at once causing people to talk over one another, I sat watching Eddie  look from person to person taking in as much information as he could. He the turned straight to me. We looked at each other, neither moving or showing anything on our faces. I thought bust into my head as I moved my eyes down to his neck, it shocked me. I looked down at my hands. Why on Earth would my brain think Eddie Munson's neck lacked my kiss. He didn't need it and I didn't want it. I thought about the idea more and it almost made me laugh because seriously right in the middle of this hellish situation was not the time to be thinking thoughts like that. 

The sound of police sirens brought me out of thought. I scrambled to my feet, pointed at Eddie and said "tarp, tarp" to encourage him to hide. His hopped back into the boat and pulled the tarp over himself. The cars that were wailing sailed past to all of our surprise. I looked at Robin confused and she returned the look. They were going somewhere else. The others looked at each other collectively making the decision to follow the cars. Just as I was about to follow Eddie spoke up "Hey, Y/N will you stay" I looked over my shoulder at him "I don't want to be alone" Turning back round I sat on some sort of crate or stool opposite him. 

My mind is running at a million miles an hour. What could I even talk about, we spoke about almost everything yesterday. Sometimes I wish my brain was a tiny bit quieter so I could just sit calm. I'm fine. We are friends so we can talk about anything and everything. Almost everything. Some thoughts a better left untold. Eddie's voice interrupted my thoughts "you okay?" I smiled at him, not a fake 'yeah I'm fine' smile but a genuine one because really I was fine, everything would be okay. "yeah I'm good, how are you doing? Are you enjoying the boat life?" He sucked his cheeks in at my comment "you know you should try it some time it's really nice, and the tarp is just oh it's such a nice touch." I laughed with him, we chatted about stupid things we did when we were younger and how we would cause chaos at the trailer park. He picked up the cereal and gave it a shake "I take it the Honey Comb was your idea." He didn't seem all that confident in the statement. I took a breath and sighed it out as I answered "Yeah I know you used to eat it like every day when we were growing up so I figured it would be a good choice" I rubbed my knuckles slightly worried incase he didn't like that cereal anymore. "It makes me think of you when I eat it, it reminds me of that time we sat on top of my trailer eating this after you had spent the night because neither of us wanted to go out into the dark after watching Friday the 13th" I flickered my focus between his eyes trying to figure out what to say in response "That was one of the happiest years of my life" He had rendered me speechless, I knew we were close but I never for a second believed I would be one of his favorite memories, It's something that had never occurred to me, Yes he was part of my best memories but to think other people view you like that wasn't something I had thought about. "Oh Eddie" I got up and squashed in next to him "I would live in that summer forever if I could" we now sat shoulder to shoulder both staring up at the window as if waiting to be beamed to the past. 

We chatted until it started getting late "Eddie I've got to go, I'd offer to take you to mine but the cops are still around and about" He shook his head and responded "I wouldn't dare step foot in that nasty ass trailer" it had been monotone at first as if what he was about to say was deep and serious. I shoved him in retaliation, scoffed and walked off. "See you later Eddie" I flipped him off as I went "Yeah whatever, see you tomorrow Y/N"

And even murder... y/n x Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now