120 - By the Soul of My Ancestors

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Rapunzel stood in the middle of the ballroom floor. Everyone was staring at her. She smiled. This was how it should be, all the time, all eyes on her.

She glanced at the clock. It was midnight. Nicolai and Cecilia should have been there by now, but they obviously had no sense of punctuality. This was sort of awkward, but at least it was nowhere near Vanessa-level awkwardness.

It was so silent in the room she could have heard a pin drop. No one spoke.

Finally, she heard the clip-clop of heels echo in the room. Nicolai and Cecilia shoved through the crowd and spilled into the little clearing Rapunzel had made.

"You're late," Rapunzel hissed.

"Sorry," Cecilia whispered. "Portals were impossible—they're all clogged up with people."

"Well, can we start?" She looked around. "Where's the body?"

"Upstairs. You didn't expect us to just drag a body into the middle of the floor, did you?"

One of the floor managers was walking towards the center of the floor, looking annoyed. They really had to get started now.

"Good evening," Rapunzel blurted because there was nothing else to say.

Everyone just stared.

This was astronomically awkward.

Ivan pushed into the front of the crowd. He stared at her with wide eyes. "Helena? What are you—"

"My name isn't Helena," said Rapunzel.

Everyone just continued to stare.

"My name isn't Helena, and I'm not a peasant girl, or the daughter of a witch, or even the kidnapee of a witch," said Rapunzel, speaking fast because there were scary-looking people coming her way.


Rapunzel felt bad about interrupting Ivan, but she had to get this over with, or they would kick her out. Nicolai and Cecilia were being so helpful just standing there, by the way.

"I'm the Queen of Ailthe," she blurted.

Still silence.

This was even worse than trying to talk to Jack. "I'm the Queen of Ailthe," Rapunzel said again. "I'm the daughter of Princess Margaret of Ailthe, and I am the last surviving heir to the throne."

Someone gave a harsh laugh, and she looked over to see some random guy step forward. "You? Why should we believe that you are the heir to the Ailthean throne? After ten years, you just magically come out of hiding to claim a ruined crown?"

Rapunzel glared at him so hard that he stepped back a little.

Some random woman reached out to pull back the prince. "She does look like one of the Princesses, no?"

"A lot of people can look like other people," said someone else.

And with that, noise erupted around the ballroom.

Rapunzel glared around at the people. Her eyes landed on Ivan. He was staring at her in shock.

"Do something!" she snapped at Nicolai and Cecilia.

Nicolai gave her an unreadable look, then clapped his hands. The silence was instant. Rapunzel glanced at Ivan and saw him reaching for his throat, looking horrified.

"Stop that!" Rapunzel said to Nicolai, and he gave her an unreadable look. He did not stop that.

"Please be quiet," Cecilia said to the crowd. Her voice was soft, but everyone heard it. Nicolai clapped his hands again, and gasps and murmurs immediately filled the large space. Nicolai raised his hands as if to clap again, and there was silence.

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