♡~Chapter Six: Finally Had Enough?~♡

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  Eclipse glared at him. She'd finally had enough, now that he had called her disloyal. That was the kind of things that made her snap. Even when Midnight padded to her side and nosed her gently to try to calm her down.

    She shouldered Midnight away as she snarled, her fur bristling." Loyalty, loyalty… and guess what? MORE. LOYALTY!" She scoffed, though her voice gave away to a bark of laughter.

     The Pack fell silent, glancing amongst eachother with confused growls. Oni was able to move his head slightly to watch Eclipse, his ears flicking in disbelief. Riverbank's gaze hardened, and his muzzle wrinkled." Who are you laughing at, little half-blood…" 

      Eclipse shook her head." Isn't it obvious? Riverbank?" She snarled, clearly refusing to call this wolf her Alpha." I've shown nothing. NOTHING, but loyalty. Come on, Creek Pack, admit it!" She turned back toward the crowd, her teeth bared. Some of the Iotas up front shrank away from her gaze, while a few others growled lowly.

       " I may be a half-blood…" Eclipse went on, beginning to pace." But have you ever seen me doing anything disloyal?" The fur along her spine began to rise." Is hunting for the Pack considered disloyal? Is driving other Packs, and rogues both, out of our territory, considered disloyal? Is ENDLESSLY trying to PROVE MY WORTH TO THE PACK… considered disloyal…?" 

          Eclipse halted in her pacing, looking over the Pack to read their expressions— confused, guilty, unhappy, furious… She whipped around back toward Riverbank." No! It's not, isn't it? I've shown nothing but loyalty. But then again…" She swished her tail across the ground." How would you know? You're never here to see that! Poor, poor, little Riverbank…" 

          The Alpha took a step toward her, his teeth bared." How dare you…" 

          Suddenly, Wendigo pushed through the crowd." Its true!" He stopped at Eclipse's side, staring up at Riverbank. If the deer mask weren't covering his expression, you would see a challenging, furious glare in his eyes." Exactly. Besides, you wouldn't even know anything about the Pack, or what's going on! You treat me like crap. You treat everyone— The half-bloods, and the Omegas combined— like crap! And all we've been doing is dealing with this every. Single. Day. Of our lives. HOW DO YOU THINK WE FEEL? HM?" 

          Midnight gave the Omega a disbelieving look. This was a new side of Wendigo; A side he had never seen before. But he knew that he was right.

        " Oh, and don't get me started on those Betas of yours!" Wendigo snapped." You don't care about their actions! You don't monitor anything. GEAR KILLED MY MOTHER. AND WHAT DID YOU DO? NOTHING IS WHAT!" He slammed his paw on the ground." And we've been fighting so hard… so hard… to stay in this Pack and to please everyone." His gaze fell on the Beta, Gear, who still had Oni pinned to the ground." But you know what? I'm done!" 

           He threw himself at Gear, tackling him off of Oni, and slashing at his neck." This is for my mother, you bxstard!"   

           The Beta snarled and snapped at his ears, and the two went rolling across the camp. 

           Oni leaped to his paws, glancing around wildly with his eyes wide." Uhm… What the h€ll just happened?" He muttered, before his gaze landed on Riverbank and Eclipse, and he froze.

           Riverbank took another step toward Eclipse, leaning back and preparing to pounce." Don't talk to me that way. And especially don't talk about how I run things here!" 

          Eclipse didn't answer for a moment. She just watched Gear and Wendigo roll in the dust. A breeze brushed her fur lightly, and she breathed in deeply, before her teeth bared in a smile. She looked back at Riverbank." I can speak to you… however I like..." 

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