Sick day

376 19 3

——scar's pov——

I can hear very quiet snoring and it feels as if there was a light pressure on my chest. I fluttered my eyes open to see grian.

I was then reminded of the events last night which caused me to blush a bit. Then I was snapped out of my thoughts by grian shivering on top of me.

Oh shit. I thought,

Last night when me and grian were getting too caught up in our feelings for each other I had completely forgotten that grian was sick.

I slowly got up while lifting grian off of me and trying to place him on the bed gently so he doesn't wake up.

I walked over to my closet to get some clothes for today and got my purple cloak to put over it.

After changing I grabbed my communicator and messaged the two people I know who could help grian. It wasn't really much help that I only knew how to take care of a sick cat and that my healing magic is weak.

Scar: Mumbo, X, can you guys come to my base I kinda need some help.

MumboJumbo: On my way!

Xisuma: heading there now.

I walked back into the bedroom to see grian who looked really cold clutching a blanket on him.
I walked closer to the bed and sat next to him. I  slowly took the blanket off of him so he didn't overheat. Which he surprisingly didn't fight me on.

He looked very tired.

"Hey grian"

"Yeah scar?" He said putting on a small smile

I lifted up his head so it could rest on my lap peacefully

"Besides this, when was the last time you slept?" I said feeling a bit concerned

"It's been a bit" he said with not even the smallest trace of regret is his face.

I then hear a knocking on the door start to grow louder.

"Who could that be?" Grian said with less enthusiasm than he naturally has

"Oh it's just X and mumbo"

I lifted his head off of my lap and placed it on the bed to go talk to them. The floorboards made a faint noise as I ran to the door.

"Hey scar!"
"Hey scar!" The two hermits said in sync

"Hey guys!" I said while welcoming them in

"So what seems to be the problem?" Xisuma said holding a shulker box in his arms

"Well last night grian caught a cold. And I'm not really sure what to do"

"He's here?" The black haired hermit questioned

"Yeah I got him last night"

"Well, where is he?" Xisuma said

"Follow me!" I told him in response

They both followed me down the hallway to my room. I opened the door and grian was sitting on the bed looking down at the floor. I don't know if it was just me but he looked sad.

"Hey G man!" Mumbo called out

"Hey mumbo" grian said in a soft and tired sounding voice

Xisuma walked to the bed then placed the shulker box on the floor next to him scowering through it.

"What are you doing" grian asked


"Wow. That really sums it up X"

I walked closer as Xisuma pulled a purple and pink mixed potion Out of the filled shulker box.
He then got up off of his knee and opened the potion bottle while handing it to grian.

"Drink this G"

"Ew no it stinks" grian attached his arm out with the potion in his hand and mumbo with his hand on his face slowly shaking his head.

"Scar do something" mumbo said while now looking up at me.
I walked to the side of the bed, put my hand on his shoulder and said.

"I bet jellie would be able to handle it better than you" in the most calm tone of voice I could

I then took the bottle from his hand and started slowly walking to the corner with jellie's cat bed. Mumbo and X looked like they knew exactly what I was doing.

"What no!"
" I can handle it better than your cat!" He argued

"Then we'll never know" I replied

"Give me that!" He then snatched the bottle from my hand and drank it until there was nothing left

Mumbo stared at me in disbelief and X just nodded his head and smiled like a proud dad.

Grian was left with a disgusted look on his face
"That was horrible!" He yelled

I could see mumbo trying to hold in his laughter.

"SHUT UP MUMBO" grian yelled in what sounded like a non joking tone.

The room grew quiet after that...

"I- mumbo- i-I'm I don't know why I s...said that. I'm sorry"
He looked as if he was about to cry with his head placed in his hands.

"Grian, dude it's ok I kinda saw that coming" mumbo responded

At this point I was sitting on the end of the bed while X was kneeling in front of it and mumbo leaning on the wall next to my bookshelf.

"The potion will increase mood swings. You just saw that happen. And it will make you more tired than usual but not heavily tired just slightly." X explained while picking up his purple shulker box and holding in between his body and arm.

"I'll be on my way now" Xisuma said

"Same. But scar before I go I need to talk to you" mumbo said as xisuma left.

Mumbo signaled me to follow him outside. I could hear xisuma's rockets take off in the distance.

"Is everything ok?" I asked after we got outside

"Scar. Something is happening at the rift."

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