The rift...?

311 13 7

    ——————Scar pov—————
"Scar. Something is happening at the rift"

"Wait. Mumbo what are you talking about?!"
I questioned him

"Things have been coming out of it. For example, well... Grumbot"

"Isn't that the robot? I thought it was destroyed!"

"HE was never destroyed actully but just lost in time"  he replied

"Scar. Listen Just don't tell grian yet. Ok?" He asked hesitate putting his hand on my shoulder

"Got it..." I said, walking back inside

"Scar. Can you come here?" Grian asked softly

"Of course!" I walked in the room and it looked like he's been crying.
I walked to him and he pulled me into a tight hug.
"Thank you. For being here" he nuzzled his face in my chest as I hugged back.

I sat back on the bed holding him tight. I never wanted to see him go. I loved him so much but words couldn't express my feelings for this man.

"Are you tired grian?"

"Yeah I wasn't able to get much sleep last night I woke up to a nightmare" he said in a cold tone

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I replied

"No thanks it was more of a flashback" grian mumbled into my chest

I knew grian hated talking about his past but I never knew why. I wanted to know but at the same time I also respected that he didn't wanna explain to anyone.

"I love you scar"

"I love you too Gri. And I always will"
I played with his strawberry blonde hair as he steadily breathed on me. His wings draping around me. He normally wouldn't let anyone touch them but for some reason he always let me. I wonder why?

"Hey G"


"Why don't you let anyone touch your wings but me?"
He lifted his head up a bit to answer

"Because my wings are a sensitive part of my body and I know that your one of the most gentle and caring people ever"

He then laid his head back on me.

About 30 minutes passed and grian was sound asleep on top of me. My mind was still thinking about what mumbo was talking about. I had come to a conclusion that the only way I could figure out was by going to the rift and seeing for myself.

I tried my best to gently get up and not wake grian. I laid him on the side of the bed and put a blanket on top of the sleeping man.

I walked out to the living room where I got a piece of paper and a pencil just in case grian wakes up I wrote on the paper.

"Be back soon! I had to run some errands
~scar <3"

And I was on my way. I flew all across the server just to get some fresh air, then to the rift. I glided down the entrance and made a swift landing.

Something didn't feel right. Maybe it was the faint sounds of footsteps while I remained standing  still. or it could be The fact that I'm standing in front of a weak spot of between dimensions?

I stood in front of the rift while hearing the footsteps get louder and louder...

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