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She never knew for sure.
But she surely knew, she needed to know.

AUGUST 1, 2020


Dear Diary,
As you can clearly see from above, today is August 1, 2020. I know I haven't written in this journal in like 6 months... but I swear, I was just busy.
.. busy wasting my life away. Like why didn't you slap me in the face? Physically. Everyone knows a nice little slap gets the message across. You didn't have to ho as far as letting me fuck my life up, making all these stupid ass people come back into my life, letting me be so lazy, and ignore and abuse myself? I know I know. Blah blah. It's to learn lessons, prepare myself for the future self I am manifesting and coming. I know I shouldn't talk so badly about myself, it's just getting hard. Being the only one who tells you good things about yourself. They say "don't give a fuck about what they think" but how do you live like that when these same people have so much control of your life? I need answers. I need to know. I need to know what the fuuuucckkk is going on with my "bipolarness" too. It's ruining my relationship with Todd. You and I both know Todd is everything I've ever wanted and more. Why am I so controlling and curios and lack trust when I trust completely? Why do things come out of my mouth, while simultaneously saying in my head to SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DONT MEAN THOSE WORDS... but still continue to say it and act offended when they react as they should.. what's wrong with me. Why do I know the problem but don't know how to fix it. I need to know. I need answers. Please Universe, I know you're watching. Please....

Love with all my heart,
Thank u thank u thank u. Xoxo

DIARY of the TRAUMATIZED EMPATHWhere stories live. Discover now