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Arthur Leclerc

Sophie has always been a cute little girl in my eyes. But today everything has changed. Maybe she got better or I can't even describe what I could have said when I saw her and her mother getting out of the car the first evening. She were perfect. Her eyes sparkled when she saw me. Sophie has become more beautiful...

After returning from the cruise, we take a walk on the beach. I took off my shoes so that the water would touch my soles and I was thinking about what could be going through Sophie's mind. I knew that since we were little, Charles had always been the dream of this girl. I knew that if she had to choose between me and Charles, I would be the boy every boy's nightmare happened to. "The girl's boyfriend chose his brother rather than you" It would be pathetic, and I didn't want to spoil the feeling that it was Sophie's first day, or rather her 2nd day here in Monaco.

On the ship I discovered that Sophie still adores Charles. The boy who is full of rage. He is angry at life and angry that his team is destroying him.
We got home. Mom was already in the kitchen again, but now she only had a bottle of champagne in her hand. Amber was standing next to her and they were talking. They talked about the beautiful things in life or maybe gossip because that's how these women are.

-Hello, --I put my bag on the table. Sophie was standing behind me

-Hello, how was the boat trip? --asked mother

-Very very good, --said Sophie and laughed.--
I broke the tradition and decided to push Arthur into the water today, --said the girl proudly

-And did it work?--Amber asked

-Of course, Arthur was very funny with wet hair, but I really enjoyed the boat ride, --said Sophie and turned to me and hugged me-- Thank you!

-Come to think of it, you can thank me for this, since I gave the ship to Arthur, --Charles suddenly appeared

-Stop it, --I said

-Why? After all, I'm right

-All right Arthur. Calm down, --said Sophie--
Thank you Charles,-- but my brother did not appreciate this answer anymore and instead took out a glass for himself and poured water into it

-You are pathetic,-- I continued the argument

-Why am I Arthur?-- asked Charles

-Because... Because you don't even appreciate Sophie being here, --I said

-Come on, I'm not even a jerk

-But Charles, you are, you are a jerk, --said Sophie, who was standing between us. Charles looked at her questioningly. Sophie came so close to him that I thought she was going to hit him

-What do you want from me Sophie Fisher?

-Nothing. I don't want to see you, so it's better if we avoid each other from now on, --said the girl. I almost laughed at myself. After all, this could mean that I won. Sophie can finally forget my brother and I feel free again.


The best bar in Monaco was not far from our house so I decided we would go for a walk. Sophie was ready at 20, so that's when we left home.

-Will you come in this?,-- I asked when I saw her dress

-Yes, why should I wear anything else, --she said

-No, of course, I'll take care of you,-# it slipped my mind, but I saw on Sophie that it doesn't bother her much

-I'm going to a bar with Arthur Leclerc, my goodness, --Sophie shouted all the way

-Why is this so rude?,-- I laughed to myself

-Because you said today that you don't like girls around you

-But I didn't mean you, you know

-Sure,-- she said and punched my hand

The bar was really huge, full of people, men and women with a cocktail in hand. The lights flickered back and the music played loudly

Sometimes it was blue and every other time it was green. The lights were spinning and the dance floor was full. I took Sophie's hand and pulled her with me all the way to the bar counter.

-There will be two margaritas, --I told the waiter, who immediately prepared the drinks

-Are you feeling well?, --I asked the girl, who didn't even know where to look

-Of course, there are just a little too many people here

-Don't worry everything will be fine, --I reassured the girl and drank my drink-
-Are you coming to dance?

-Of course

I took Sophie's hand again and we started dancing. The girl's body quickly flattened against me, which made me shudder quite a bit. Meanwhile, I noticed that a group of girls started watching us. They looked at me really hard and I realized that they really recognized me.

-I'm going over to the girls for a picture, --I told Sophie, who looked at me confused

-Why do you leave me alone?

-I won't leave you, I'll be right back

-All right, --she said and let me go


Sophie Fisher

I felt that at least I had time to do my ladies' business, so I got myself another drink and went to find the bathroom. I started to get a little dizzy and accidentally bumped into a man

-Little girl, is everything alright?, --the man came to me. He was older and wore a blue shirt that was not fully buttoned

-Yes, but  I'm looking for the bathroom, --I said. The man came closer to me and whispered in my ear

-Is it enough if I take you to my room?,-- he asked, and I walked away from him in disgust. He took my hand and pulled me to him. I put my hand on his chest to buy time, but my plan failed. He came closer and started caressing my breasts. Then he slid his hands all the way down to my legs.
I gritted my teeth and prepared for the worst, but then I heard a familiar voice.

-Leave my girlfriend alone--! Charles Leclerc shouted



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