3. All of his dreams

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He was but a whisper in the complete darkness...

One of the things I truly loved about this place was that even if the nights were tropically warm, it got well and truly dark, so much so that you couldn't even discern the silhouettes of the palms against the sky when you looked directly at them.

And it enabled me and Madara to fuck in complete darkness.

I loved fucking in the darkness. Don't get me wrong; I loved fucking in broad daylight as well. I loved seeing him beneath me, his strong, lean body moving like waves on the ocean. I loved seeing myself fucking him in the mirror I had in my bedroom for the soul purpose of seeing myself fucking him, my size engulfing him, my dick going into him and out.

But there was something special about taking him in the dark. It enhanced every hint of a sound. I would hear every little moan that could otherwise escape me if my brain was too distracted by all visual input it got bombarded with during sex. It enabled my senses to become hyper-alert, to feel him dig his long, usually painted nails into the skin of my back, his pearly teeth against my skin, the caresses of his thighs against my loin.

I was fucking him in the dark now. I grunted as I thrusted, his legs on my shoulders. He moaned with each thrust, and that sound made me mad, or madder than I already was. It was provocative to me, how lewd the sounds he made were, and I had to remind myself, over and over, that he made them for me, that I had nothing to be angry about. But God, sometimes I felt such an anger towards him that I just wanted to sink my teeth into his flesh, rip off a part of him and eat him. It was an anger that I knew wasn't directed at him, but at the world and at myself, and both of our shortcomings.

Mine and the world's, that is, not mine and Madara's; Madara was a sweetheart.

"God..." I murmured into his ear.

"Tobirama!" he whined.

He tried to clamber up then, but I pushed him down harshly with a palm to his chest.

"Down", I commanded.

"Tobirama..." In the dark, I couldn't see him, and I considered myself lucky as I thought I would have died by the mere expression on his face. "Please... Let me ride you."

I frowned in the darkness. Madara had never asked anything of me in bed before. My first instinct was to say no, absolutely not, to refuse him any form of control in this situation whatsoever. But somehow, I found myself leaning back on my elbows, and Madara followed me, sat on my lap. I could feel his light hands on my shoulders, his breath on my forehead. He planted his lips there; a rare showcase of affection from him as he knew I wasn't much for it.

At least, I don't think I am...

"Sweetheart..." I said softly.

And he started riding my dick.

Slowly, carefully at first. Then, as he got more confident, he increased the pace, the intensity, the ferociousness and he started to moan. His long, black hair, always loose when we fucked, brushed my shoulders, slapped my face as he threw his head back in pure ecstasy. He was wild now, and I couldn't help but grunt, it was so pleasant to me. My hands went to his taut waist, feeling tension there from his obliques playing, and I helped him jump me.

"Tobirama... I'm going to come..."

"Come for me", I demanded.

"Ohh..." he sighed.

"I said, come for me!!"

And Madara started screaming as he came, leaning his head back, and I put one hand in his hair and forced his mouth to mine, kissed the scream away until his orgasm ebbed out.

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