Chapter 1: Missing person

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Some things you'll need to know
" this" is talking
'This' is thinking
[this] is in act

This style of typing. Is when someone is talking a bit delusional and crazy.

Word Count 4780 (surprisingly less then what I usually write)


Trigger warning ⚠️: this chapter has fat/body shaming gore and Yandry behaviour


"Alright I think y'all are ready who wants to go first with me?" My dance teacher said looking back at the class and all of them screamed waving their hands up like crazy she giggled"ok I'm going to pick one person then more people to show off after " She scanned all students until her eyes landed on me among the crowd and I can tell she's smiling under her mask and pointed at me.

"Y/n. Come join me" she said I smiled and walked over passing by some girls who looked not pleased at all.

"Ugh why does she always pick her? She's embarrassing us with that stomach sticking out" I rolled my eyes already used to their talks and walked to the front my teacher who heard them and already knows of this problem give them a disappointed look.

"I don't think there's a problem with how she looks Samantha. As long as a person is determent to learn dancing then your body shape does not matter that much in fact, (y/n) is probably one of my best student you on the other hand need to work on your moves and balance so please keep your jealousy to a minimum" she said I smirked under my mask seeing her face turn red and the class laughing at her " now come on (y/n). You ready?" She said going to the speakers where her phone is I stood in front of the mirror pulling my crop top hoodie down took a deep breath then give her a thumbs up signalling I'm ready she played the Music and quickly ran next to me.

(I'm going to be using a lot of 1 million dance Studio because I love them)

We finished and everyone clapped, me and her high-five each other and I walk back to my place as she picked some more students I can feel Samantha glaring at me but I ignored her I'm not gonna let her bring down my mood today.

Time skip~

I sighed a bit exhausted from all the dancing we just finished dance class the last class for today and now I'm in the girls changing room I'm grateful they have these private Changing stalls when someone doesn't like changing in front of people even if it's the same gender.

I finished tying my shoes grabbed my backpack and dance outfit and left the stall and the changing room and headed to my locker walking pass a lot of people.

"Hey (y/n). You were awesome in class" a girl from my dance class said.

"Thanks. You were too" I said as I high-five her as she walked pass me.

"Cool moves (N/n)"

"Thanks man" I fist-bump him as he walked pass me.

" don't let what Samantha said get to you" a girl who is chubby like me said.

"Oh I'm not bothered, they're just jealous because they're not as thick as us" I said turning to her then turning back still walking until I finally reached my locker opened it and started getting what I need to go home until...


I backed up before the locker can close on my fingers and sighed seeing Samantha and her little group behind her her hand on my locker and glaring at me.

Strawberry shortcake 🍓 (Twisted Wonderland x chubby F reader)   Where stories live. Discover now