Chapter 3: ghosts busters but make it about hugs.

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Location- Library


"There really isn't anything" muttered Crowley flapping through the books, after the ceremony ended and the mirror telling us our world doesn't exist as predicted we head to the library and now Crowley and Yuu are Scanning through every book and map in here while I was Busy chasing the flying books.

"Not only the world map but the name of your home isn't written in any history" he closed the book and turned to glare at both me and Yuu" are you truly from where you say? You aren't lying to me by any chance" I heard a book slam close I stopped and looked over at Yuu who's glaring back at Crowley.

"Why would we lie? We didn't ask to be here we were brought here against our own will!" he snapped at him I walked over and gently put my hand on his arm.

"Hey hey, let's take a deep breath and calm down a little" I said and surprisingly he listened, he took a deep breath and let it out, I turned to Crowley "Headmaster I promise you we're not lying about anything. Why would we be faking it if we desperately want to go back?" I said he looked to be thinking about it.

" you might be right. Looking at all of this you may have somehow been brought here from another planet there's also the possibility you're from another world"

"So I'm an alien?" Said Yuu I couldn't help but giggle a little.

" what did you have on you when you came here?" Do you have any identification, like a license for magic car, name on a shoe... you appear to be empty-handed" he said I smiled a little hearing the toy story reference, Yuu started patting his body for anything until he shook his head.

"Now that you mention it I don't have my wallet or phone" he said and then both of them turned to me I put up a finger signalling them to wait turned around and went behind a bookshelf then dig my hand in my bra feeling around until I touched something Square and solid. The perks of having big breasts is like having a Secret pocket for you that nobody can touch unless they want a death wish.

" HA! I found it!" I yelled coming out holding my phone up like simpa as a light shined on it like the sun.

"Perfect! Let's try and contact a family member" they huddled closer to me as I wiped the screen trying not to think about the two big man on each side so close basically pressing their body against me, not that I mind tho I mean yes Crowley is annoying but you gotta Admit that he is kinda attractive especially those fan arts, they made him look GOOD if only he took off his mask then he'll be tolerable and Yuu? Will get to him later. I pressed the side button but it didn't turn on I looked confused and tried to turn it on again but it didn't.

" it needs to recharge unfortunately" the two sighed disappointed then backed away.

"This is really concerning. I can't just let someone who can't use magic stay at school, specially you miss (l/n). I don't think you can stay here unlike yuu" Crowley said and my eyes widen.

"What!? Why?" I asked he can't Seriously throw me out! It's not supposed to happen at least not to yuu but I'm not him.

"This is an all boy school, having a girl here might cause some problems" what problems is he talking about? He's not actually thinking of throwing me out is he?

"B-but you can't kick me out I have no one outside I'll be completely alone" I started tearing up " you're the one that brought me here and you're not even going to take responsibility?" I said my voice cracking wiping my tears as both Crowley and Yuu looked panicked Yuu looked at Crowley like that tanjiro face meme, Crowley panicked and quickly came over and put his hands on my shoulders.

Strawberry shortcake 🍓 (Twisted Wonderland x chubby F reader)   Where stories live. Discover now