Chapter One

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Waking up to the sound of my snoring husband, I check the clock on the bedside table its six in the morning. I wipe my eyes and lay back looking at the ceiling . Everything happened so fast, falling into Christian's office, wanting more, getting married and having Teddy. Oh. My beautiful baby boy he's just like his mercurial dad. With bright blue eyes, coppered-coloured hair, he's the best thing that could ever happen to me ... I laid still for a moment thinking and thinking of what? I don't know .....
There was a sudden outburst of laughter because I was deep in thinking I hadn't heard them earlier . I swing my legs out of bed and walked into the living room. Sophie and Teddy is playing relentlessly . When they both saw me they stopped breathing hard due to their long session of hard romping. "Good Morning Ana " Sophie said as she took a mouthful of air ..

"Good Morning Sophie " I planted a kiss on her hair. Teddy ran over to me in great delight "Mommy " he screamed. I stooped and pick him up "Hey baby boy ".

"I hope we didn't wake you . Teddy was awake and you were all asleep ." She muttered apologetically. "Its okay." I gave her a reassuring smile . They went back to playing running carefree all around the living room I watch them intensely telling them not to break anything every now and then. I went back to thinking how did I get to be with this man .. Oh Christian my lost boy ... Christian's fear of being touched oh everything just happened so quickly .. I was jolted from my thoughts by a voice I know too well ...

"Ana? " Christian says. "In the living room." Dressed in pajamas hanging in that way from the his hips. "Daddy!" Teddy launched himself at Christian . I look at them completely happy with myself my two favorite persons in the whole wide world .. Christian toss Teddy into the air and he squeals. I always get frightened by that . He looks at me his eyes bright gray and soft .

"Good Morning Mrs. Grey " he says with a smile "Good Morning Mr.Grey " I mirror his actions.

"Sophie " he says dryly. She smiles and return his nod. Ever since Sophie caught us stripping down in our living room at our new house Christian had gone completely odd towards her. I smile remembering that day Christian straining to keep the bulge in his pants.

"I see you're all up early " he looks at us. "You were snoring." I said with a matter-of-fact expression .. He raises his eyebrows "I haven't snored in years ." Oh really? "Well you have been does the past week." I gesture

"What are you guys doing up?" He asks Teddy and Sophie. Teddy frowned "I couldn't sleep. " Christians brow furrowed. Oh- shit no! "How comes?"

" There's just this dream that a man will come and take me." He says softly nuzzling his head into Christian's neck. Christian looks over at me with a look of disapproval and I know damn well what he's thinking.
Sighing I step between the two of them taking Teddy from Christian to make him breakfast. On entering the kitchen I asked
"What do you want for breakfast?"

Although I already know the answer I still feel obliged to asking him. Every morning since I introduced him to it he's been eating Cheerios and he's almost three years old.
" I want Cheerios!" He cheers clapping his tiny hands. Smiling I make him a bowl leaving him to make his mess and going off to find Christian.

"Christian?" I call out as I enter our room. He calls back from the bathroom with a low groan. If it was any other time I'd think it was sexy but its not that time.
"What are you doing?" I ask seeing him sitting on the toilet twisting his wedding band he looks up at me with weary eyes.

"Don't." I whisper adamantly. " No one will take Teddy away okay he's here. Here to stay. " I caress his cheek, willing him to believe that what I'm saying is the truth.

His grey eyes stare deeply into mine. He stands up kissing me. Only Christian would solve a problem with sex. But you want it my subconscious laughs knowingly. Of course I do. The kiss is gentle but rough at the same time his hands roams my body freely awakening every organ as he goes along. I tug at the root of his hair earning a groan from him, he rips my shirt open letting the buttons fly all over the bathroom floor. He fills the gap between us pulling me close to him. My face heats up to the colour of tomato as I feel his arousal at my hip. Even though we've been together for almost three years I still blush to these kind of stuff. I help him out of his pj's as he nips my ears, neck, jaws, straight down to my nipples. Having them perking to attention. Moaning he pulls my nipples into his mouth one by one sucking them. Pinning me against the wall he looks at me with his I-am-incharge look making me squirm.

"This will be quick Ana." He says huskily adrenaline dropping from each of his words. As if on cue he enters me with a hard thrust burying deep inside me,filling me.
"Move Christian." I beg pulling my feet tightly around his waist. He starts moving, kneading my breast. After a few minutes of thrusting hard into me we finally manage to let go and orgasm. I rest my head on his shoulder my breathing ragged.

" That was great." I reply groggily as he withdraws himself from me. He gives me a satisfied smile showing his appreciation.
"Come lets get clean up. I think the kids can wait a few more minutes before we head back out."

With that said we took a shower. The rest of the day was spent at the park with Sophie and Teddy since I felt sick I came home early and retired for the day. I didn't have alot to do so I decided on making dinner since Mrs. Jones was off duty. She and Taylor had some business to consider since they are newlyweds and stuff. I didn't feel up to eating and so I went to bed shutting down for the night.

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