Chapter 7

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I woke with a terrible headache , it was as if my temples were being torn off.

Reaching out beside me I mumbled , "Christian?"

Where is he? I look over at the clock and the bedside table and see that it is just a little bit after six.

Trying my best to get up without falling facedown to the floor I grabbed my robe , tied it securely, around my waist and went in search of my husband.

"Christian?" , I called feeling the pressure in my head increase causing me to wince ,"Jesus."

I heard footsteps and held out to the column , it was Ms. Jones.

"Mrs. Grey?"

I looked at her , her eyes filled with concern as I whispered "My head'" that's all I remember before blackness surrounding.

I woke to the beeping of the machine and my husband speaking heatedly with a nurse who looked as if she was about to run. I had the sudden urge to laugh as the laugh bubbled up I felt a slight pain in my head making wince , at the sound of my hiss both the nurse and Christia turned to me eyes wide.

"Ana?" Christian all but sobbed.

Oh Christian.

"I'm okay." I said looking at him ,  "Christian I'm fine." I repeated when he didn't seem to believe me.

He hugged me to his chest as if for confirmation , "why didn't you tell me about your headache ?"

Mercurial Christian.

" I woke up with the headache , you weren't in bed with me so I came to find you. Instead I ran into Ms. Jones and I fell."

I saw his eyes shifted and I knew then that he was probably blaming himself for the whole ordeal. " Don't."

"Don't what ? " , he asked almost heatedly.

"I know what you're thinking."

"How can I not Ana? The doctor told me that you passed out because of stress you've been under and the fact that you're pregnant triggered it off even more!"

Shaking my head I looked at him , "I understand that you got me pregnant but how'd you help in me passing out."

Scooting to end of the bed so that I could cradle his jaw I looked up at him , " Stop blaming yourself for things that you didn't do. We're fine , okay ? Its just that lately I've had a lot on my plate."

His grey eyes turned and nearly burned a hole in my head , " Don't try to soften the blow like I'm some petulant child. And don't you dare lie to me. I know the uprising of Jack Hyde has put you on edge Ana , I know you. You've not even been sleeping properly since you've known he was out and that's my fault."

He turned and started pacing.

"Are you saying that I shouldn't have known he was out ?"

"You wouldn't be in the hospital if you hadn't known , would you?" He said, seeming so sure about himself when all I wanted to do was smack him upside the head.

Instead I sighed and tried to lie down , "when can I leave ?"

" The doctor says as long as the headache's stop."

If you continue speaking shit it won't stop anytime soon.

By the look on his face I wager I said it out loud.

" I'm sorry if I'm such a headache to you , Mrs. Grey."

He turned and stormed right out and I was considered the child.


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