Nikki Sixx#7

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Y/n= Your Name

Warning: Swearing, Mention of Alcohol Use & Drug Use

It's been a year since Nikki and Y/n have broken up. It was Y/n who decided to break things up, you couldn't deal with his cheating and drug abuse. You tried to helped him, tried to get him to rehab, but he refused. After all, he was either drunk or high when he cheated. It was too much for you, and you deserve better. You left a note to a passed out Nikki, who was laying on the bed, smelled awfully of alcohol.

You put the note next to his pillow, with the suitcase you grabbed, and tears threatened to spilled, you left. You left, and never came back. You didn't even say goodbye to the other guys, afraid they'll tell Nikki where you went. You didn't want to be found, you wanted to leave this chaotic scene. Instead, you decided to live in the home country where your family came from, and start over again. It was for the best.

When Nikki did wake up, he groaned from the hangover, dark eye bags under his lifeless eyes. He sat up, and look at his surroundings. He made it home. How? Who knows? He doesn't remember. Shit, he doesn't remember anything at all. "Y/n, can you bring me Advil. My head is killing?" He called out. "Y/n, come on, babe. My head is pounding like crazy." He furrowed his brows. "Babe?" No answer. He was about to get up from bed, but he felt a sheet of paper on his pillow. He grabbed it, and began to read;

"If you read this Nikki, it's already late. This hurt me writing this, but at least you should know. We've been dating for the past four years, four disappointing years. The constant arguments, the cheating, drinking, and your drug use. This "Rock N' Roll" scene, it's too much for me. I can't deal with this, not anymore. I put too much of your shit. I tried, Nikki, I really did. I tried to helped you, but you refused.

I don't want to look like a idiot anymore, so I'm making this easy for you. I'm breaking up with you. Now, you can sleep with any girl you want, keep living the life you're living. I won't stop you anymore, I'll never bother you again. Don't worry about me because I'll be living the life I always wanted to live, the peaceful life. Though, I do want to thank you for the times when you cared, and loved me. Because I really did loved you, and I'll always care about you.

You were my first boyfriend after all. A really disappointed first boyfriend. Goodbye, Nikki Sixx."

~ The Woman Who Tried,

Four years has passed, and Y/n decided to visit the members. When you returned Mick, Vince, and Tommy welcomed her with hugs and congratulated her then. "Y/n, babe, we missed you like hell!" Vince exclaimed. You slightly grin and say; "I missed you guys too, it's been far too long." Agreeing with Vince. "You look good, you always do." Tommy complimented. You couldn't help, but lightly blush. "Thanks, I tried. You know it's somewhat difficult."

"Definitely, but it shows a woman is truly strong and incredible." Mick says. You smile and nodded. "Y/n?" The boys turned back to see their bassist. Y/n looks over them and smile in relief. "Hi Nikki, it's great to see you again." Nikki's heart flutter and his stomach flipped. Seeing her again just made him nervous, but guilt quickly came to his mind. "H- hey Y/n, it is great to see you again."

Everyone was quiet, not knowing what else to say. Mick was quick to break the silence. "Hey dumbass." Referring to Nikki, Nikki looks at him. "Have you congratulated her?" Puzzle and confused for what his bandmate just said. "What, congratulate her?" Nikki walked closer and when he got a better view, he stood quiet again. Four years since the breakup, never thought he'll ever see you again. You showed up again, but with a stomach showing.

"For her being pregnant, duh." Mick said sarcastically. Nikki looks at him and your stomach, who you were caressing it. "Oh uh..." He felt uncomfortable. He didn't know what to feel about this. Happy, sad, angry, confused? You lightly smack Mick's chest and giggle. "Oh Mick, stop making it a big deal. I'm only pregnant." "That's exactly my point." He responded back. You playfully rolled your eyes.

"Can I talk to Nikki alone, please?" You asked them. Mick, Vince, and Tommy nodded and left them alone. Nikki couldn't look at your eyes. Him seeing you like this was like a big slap on his face. You sigh and cleared your throat, "I know this is too much but-" "You're right, it is!" He raised his voice. You look at him disbelief. "Are you kidding me. You're really mad at me because of this?" You spat. Nikki scoffed and crossed his arms, still not looking at you. "Well, how am I supposed to react. You left, came back, all pregnant and shit. You expect me to be happy that another man got you pregnant?!"

It was your turn to scoffed, you anger rising. "Let me remind you, Nikki. I left because of you. Second, I came back because the others are my friends. I came to see them, not you. Lastly, you're making it sound like I got pregnant by a random man. I didn't, it was my husband." Hearing that last sentence made Nikki's heart break to pieces. "H- husband?" You nodded. You took a deep breath, easing your anger.

"Four years ago, I broke up with you. I left and went home. Those two years I found someone that I fell in love, two years then, he proposed and got married. A month after our marriage, I found out I was pregnant. Three months passed, and here I am, visiting old friends." You said softly, almost as a whispered. Nikki swallow thickly, heart broken. His heart breaking over and over again. Though, it was his fault. All of it.

"I see then, and I don't blame you. I can never blame on you, Y/n. I made your life a living hell. Me cheating on you over and over again, the crazy drinking, my drug abuse. You couldn't deal with it, I would of done the same. Leave, never come back, forget everything, and start over again." His voice crack at the end. He didn't want to cry, not in front of you. You could feel yourself tear up, but you refused to cry as well. Those years being with him, you cried enough. You sigh and grabbed his hand, and rubbed his knuckles with your thumb.

"I know we didn't end things well, I heard you gotten better. Also, I wanted to see you again. I wanted to see my very own eyes of your sobriety, and you look healthy again." You formed a small smile. Nikki stared at both of his and your hands. "Yeah, I'm much better than before, that's for sure. I- I missed you too, so much." You knew he needed it a hug, so you pulled him for one. He didn't hesitate to hug you back.

He missed your hug, your touch, your scent. He missed everything about you. The woman he truly love, the woman who helped him changed, to make him sober. He did it for you, the woman he never gave up. Nikki is internal grateful for making him open his eyes, to get away from this chaos, to make him healthy. Even though, he can never asked you to be Mrs. Sixx, but as long as he has you as a friend, even as a acquaintance. He's just happy you came back and see him again. A better self of him.

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