enter pikachu!

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Date : 8/3/22 - 8/21/22

Jesus it took me so long to finish this-

This is Pallet Town, where this young man calls home.

A six-year-old boy with black hair and brown eyes slides down the side of the stairs, holding a Pokémon Camp Poster.

"Hey mom!" He runs to his mother, who was cooking in the kitchen. "Can I go? Can I?"

He shows the flyer to his mother, running to the other side of her to grab her attention. "To Professor Oak's Pokémon Camp!"

His mother looks down to check the flyer.

"It's a really cool trip to a camp where you get to go and check out Pokémon with Professor Oak!" The boy points to the paper.

"Oh! So they have a camp for that, too? All right. I'll fill in an application for you, then." His mom replies.

The boy jumps up and cheers. "Yay! All right! All right! Yay!"

"But I have an early appointment that day that I can't change. Are you sure you can wake yourself up?" The boy's mom asks.

"Awesome!" The boy ignores the question—or maybe he didn't hear it because of all his cheering—and lays the flyer on his dining table. "It'll be so much fun!"

"Are you listening?" His mom asks, leaning towards him.

The boy giggles. "Yeah! I wonder what kind of Pokémon I'm gonna see."

The exciting, wonderful world of Pokémon! A group of the most unusual creatures teeming with mystery. Some Pokémon live alongside humans... while some can be found in the grasslands. In the sky... and in the water.

Wild Pokémon live everywhere! And in this particular forest...

(I don't want to narrate the rest so TIME SKIP-)

(Ahaha pretend my OC is in there-)

Enter Pikachu!

*insert music*

A number of weeks later...

A Dodrio squawks in the morning.

... the day finally arrives for Professor Oak's camp.

☆ Aria's POV

"Uh, Professor?" Chloe raises her hand. "Isn't it time to be on our way?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid we're still missing somebody." Professor Oak replies.

"But they should have gotten here a long time ago." Chloe remarks, slightly giggling at the end.

"We're waiting on a lively young man who lives in the neighborhood."

"I know what!" Goh says before he starts getting all pumped up, punching the air. "I bet he was so excited about our trip he couldn't sleep! Kind of a simple-minded and not responsible guy, huh?"

"I guess that makes sense.." I smile with a sweat drop.

"Eevee vee.." Eevee sighs. Professor Oak allowed me to bring her to the Pokémon Camp, so I did! My Eevee barely causes trouble, and I'd promised I'd make up for it if she did.

☆ At Ash's place

"Pokémon Camp... so fun. I can't wait!" Ash rolls over and hugs his Snorlax plush.

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