legend? go! friends? go!

438 7 18

Date : 8/21/22

Dodrio squawks again as the sun rises. An alarm clock beeps while Ash and his partner, Pikachu, are sound asleep.

Pikachu groans and wakes up. The mouse Pokémon stands up and pokes his trainer's face with it's food.

It yawns cutely and rubs its face.

Pikachu proceeds to go and stop the alarm, but Ash's arm hits the top of his head and takes the Pokéball shaped alarm clock.

"Alright, I choose you!" He throws the Pokéball, making Pikachu have a worried and shocked facial expression. And the alarm clock breaks..

Pika walks up to Ash, annoyed, and starts rubbing and poking his face with his paw.

"Pika, Pika. Pika!" Pikachu slaps Ash. Pikachu starts to get angry, and electric sparks appear on it's cheeks.

"Pika... chu!" Pikachu electrifies Ash, making him shout. After the shock, Ash still continues to sleep, making Pikachu sigh.

He hears a noise on the door and Pikachu smiles as Ash's mom walks in.

"Ash Ketchum! Are you still asleep?" Delia holds each side of her son's cheeks. "You'll be late to getting to Professor Oak's lab!"

"No problem, Mom. Professor Oak's lab." Ash responds, still half-asleep.

Delia slaps Ash's cheeks, making them red, and Ash immediately is awake. He looks at his mom and realizes..

"Mom, why didn't you wake me up?!" There was loud crashing in the Ketchum household.

"Because you insisted you could get up on your own!" His mother points out.

"See ya later!" Ash pants and runs out the door.

"Pika, Pika!" Pikachu shouts.

This young man is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. Together with his partner Pikachu, he battles and catches Pokémon. It's all part of his journey as a Pokémon Trainer.


"Professor Oak!" Ash calls out as the Professor closes the trunk of his car.

"Oh, it's you, Ash!" Professor Oak turns around and smiles.

"What did you wanna talk to me about?" Ash runs up to him.

"Actually, a protégé of mine has just opened a brand-new research facility in Vermillion City." Professor Oak explains.

"A new research lab?" Ash repeats.

"Mm-hmm. And I was hoping to invite you to the opening ceremony. You will come, won't you?" Professor Oak winks at him.

"Sure!" Ash's eyes sparkle with excitement.


"You'll come too, right?" Ash asked Pikachu.

"I'd love to!" Ash's mom responds, probably thinking it was for her.

"Huh?" Ash turns around. Delia was standing there with a picnic basket and behind her was Mr. Mime.

"Mime, mime!"

"Mom!" Ash says in a whiny tone as Delia just smiles in response. She held the basket out to Ash. Ash takes the basket.

"I came to deliver your lunch, but what a great idea!" Delia puts her hands on her cheeks and gasps. "All those delicious sweet shops and big fashion boutiques in Vermillion City! Oh!"

"Hold on," Ash turns around as his mom walks to Professor Oak's car, "you're not saying you're coming with us."

Ash's face turned into an expression that said, "ugh" or "oh no..".

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