mind-boggling dynamax

155 2 0

Date : 2/28/23

* = Flashback (for now)

"And so, I have a request for you three. Will you do me the honor of becoming research fellows at my laboratory?" Dad asks.

"What's a research fellow?" Ash questions.

"It's a special research position, of course." Goh says it in an "obviously" tone.*

And so, Ash, Goh, and Aria became Cerise Laboratory research fellows. Now, with a keen interest in giant-sized Pokémon, they arrived in the Galar region.

A muddy Pokémon snickers. "Scor scor scor.."*

"Now, Pikachu! Use Electroweb!"

"Pika! Pika pika pika...chupi ka!"*

They first arrived in the city of Wyndon, where they met a mischievous Scorbunny. Leading to a group of Nickit.

Next, they were off to the Wild Area! Then, the very next day...

The four of us were eating lunch now. Ash groans, trying extremely hard to bite his bread.

"Whoa, man. This bread is really tough to eat!"

I break parts of the bread and spread it around in the soup.

"You could break it off into smaller pieces before eating it." Goh says in a tiring tone.

I scoop up the bread and soup together with a spoon, narrowing my eyes at Ash in confusion. "And eat it with the soup so it gets softer."


"Wow. That's a great idea!" Ash smiles. We continue eating while Goh makes "mMmMm" noises. I stare at him with an irk mark forming on my forehead.

Goh jumps, startled, and gulps down his food with taresen lines. "S-scary-"

"I am extremely offended." I sigh and look out at the green landscape.

Goh jumps again. "That's not what I meant-"

"Save your talk for later, I feel like eating in peace."

"I've got this feeling like we're being watched." Ash says.


"Eh, maybe just me."

Ash munches on his bread and slurps his soup straight from the plate. "So good!"

"What is with you?" Goh sweatdrops.

"Everything?" I answer.

"Hey! You guys should try it, too! It tastes better that way!" Ash suggests.

"I doubt it." Goh says before trying it. "That was good!"

"Told ya."

I pick up my plate and sip the soup. "It literally tastes exactly the same."

Ash and Goh shrink in their chair, pale white, as a ghost seemingly squirmed out of them.

Suddenly, a crashing sound was heard and we turned to see a man on the floor with food splattered all over him.

"I am so sorry!" He apologized.

Mind-Boggling Dynamax!

*insert music*


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