working my way back to mew!

117 2 5

Date : 3/21/23 - 6/4/23

Goh stands up. "You know, you were great back there. So...I want the first Pokémon I catch to be you!"*

"Scorbun!" Scorbunny jumps.*

Ash, Goh, and Aria went to the Galar region, where Goh caught his first Pokémon, Scorbunny!

"Professor Cerise!" Goh calls. "Look! Why does my phone screen look like this now?"

He shows his phone to Dad, which still had Scorbunny's information.

"I already told you! It shows your Pokédex and that you caught Scorbunny!" I groan, repeating myself for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Yes, Aria is correct. Your Pokédex possesses two distinct functions." Dad takes Goh's phone and stands up.

"Here, the first tells you a Pokémon's type and biological data. The second function gives you an overview of all the Pokémon you've caught."

I could see from behind the two that dad clicked on Scorbunny and went to the function that shows all your Pokémon.

"All the Pokémon I've caught?" Goh asks.

"Correct. And with each new Pokémon you catch, your Rotom phone updates the index."

"Huh? I didn't know it could do that!" Ash fumbles for his Rotom Phone.

"Which means I've got my very own state-of-the-art Goh-kédex!" Goh clicks something on his Rotom Phone. "How cool is that?!"

"What's a Goh-kédex?" I say with taresen lines. But he completely ignores us and runs over to Scorbunny, showing him the data of himself.

Scorbunny stares at it and tilts his head. "Ny..?"

"This makes me wanna go out and catch more Pokémon until I fill up every spot!" Goh walks back to Dad.

"And now you're saying you want to catch every Pokémon..." I sigh. "Ah..what a pain, Mew to everything."

"There's no time like right now!" Ash pulls out a Pokéball. "Let's catch some Pokémon!"

"I guess I wouldn't mind catching some more Psychic types." I shrug and smile.

"Pika, pika!"

"Esp...? Espeon!"

"Yeah, let's...go!" Goh shows his phone to us.


Working My Way Back to Mew!

*insert music*

"This way! This way!" Goh leads us through the forest into an open field. We gasp in awe.

"Wow, looks like there are gonna be a ton of Pokémon here!" Ash exclaims.

"I wonder if there are any more Psychic types I could catch." My eyes shine with excitement.

"I've brought tons of Pokéballs along so we can catch 'em all!" Goh takes out two handfuls of Pokéballs, along with a bunch in his backpack.

"Awesome!" Ash's eyes sparkle.

"That is a lot." I point out.

Goh kneels down to Scorbunny. "Scorbunny, let me know if you see a Pokémon, okay?"

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