serving up the flute cup!

140 2 1

Date : 6/4/23

Ash's goal is to become a Pokémon Master, Aria's aiming to become a Psychic Master, and Goh wants to catch one of every Pokémon as he works towards his dream of catching Mew!

Now, another exciting day of adventure awaits the three of them!

Mr. Mime extends his hand out.

We extend our hands out.

Mr. Mime slowly moves to the left.

We slowly move to the left.

Mr. Mime does yoga.

We do yoga.

"Yamp, Yamp, Yamp!"

"Miiiiiime.." Mr. Mime moves around slowly. "Miiiiiime."

"Nice and slow." Goh moves slowly like Mr. Mime along with all the Pokémon. "Nice and slow..."

"Why do I have to be here?" Chloe sighs.

"If it's good for you, then why not?" Dad answers. "There's nothing like doing a little martial arts first thing in the morning."

Chloe gives Dad the side eye. "Honestly..."

"I'll tell you, it's not that easy." Goh sweatdrops.

"Of course it isn't." I point out.

"Espeon.." Espeon follows the motions while sitting.

Goh continues, "How does Mr. Mime stay so steady?"

"I'd say it has a strong sense of balance." Dad assumes.


"Yamp, Yamp, Yamp, Yamp."


Scorbunny looks up at Goh.

"Why don't you go play?" He smiles.

"Scorbun!" Scorbunny jumps up.

"Yamp, Yamp, Yamp, Yamp, Yamp!"

"Scorbun, Scorbun!"

"Mime, Mime, Mime."

"Right, like this?" Goh sweatdrops at Mr. Mime, who was shaking his head, and pointed at Metapod.

"Huh?" The four of us turn our heads behind us.

"Mime, Mime, Mime, Mime." Mr. Mime nods and smiles with its eyes closed.

Goh gasps. "Wha- You mean like that..!?"

"You're serious?" Chloe sweatdrops. Goh grumbles.

"Yup. Exactly." Dad says like he's holding his breath.

"How in the world are we supposed to do that?" I puff up my cheeks and stare at the calm Pokémon.

"Yamp, Yamp, Yamp, Yamp, Yamp."

"Scor, Scor, Scorbun!" Scorbunny kicks Metapod from the back, sending it flying, and bounces off a rock with a cracking sound.

"Uh..." Dad stares at the Metapod in confusion.

"I thought I just heard a weird noise." Chloe looks blankly.

"If I remember correctly.." Goh pauses.

"...inside of a Metapod is.." I continue.

The four of us start screaming. Well, more like three, because I just yelped.

"THIS IS AWFUL!!" Dad brushes off the side of the rock. "Are you all right?!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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