I'm So So Sorry.

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Robin and I walked into school hand in hand the next day. I was so happy about Finney and Donna. I loved nothing more than to see my twin brother happy, because he damn well deserved it.

We started picking up Donna while walking to school, which I didn't mind because she was kind of a friend of mine and she was a really sweet girl. Just like everyday, me and Robin took our seats next to each other in first period.

"Good morning class! I'd like to introduce you to our newest edition of the class! What was your name sweetie?" The teacher announced. Great. It was some tall blonde girl who looked snooty but was acting 'innocent' towards the teacher.

I know a bitch when I see one.

"Grace Smith." She said, quietly. She walked towards the back, close to me and Robin's seats, and sat down. I watched her the whole way and winked at Robin. Fucking winked at Robin. Oh no.

"She's a total bitch." I muttered to Robin. "What? We don't even know her?" He slightly chuckled. "Yea but I can just tell." I stated. "Well, if you think she's a bitch, then I'm on your side. She's a bitch." I laughed and we sat, hands intertwined, the whole class.

"See you at lunch?" Robin asked, walking me to my 2nd period. "Yup." I replied, smiling, pecking him. "Ahhh I get a real kiss at lunch!" He yelled, pointing at me, smirking, walking away. I giggled to myself and walked into my class.

When it was time for lunch I went to my locker—where me and Robin always met before lunch—but he wasn't there? I questioned where he was but shook it off. 'Prolly got in trouble.' I thought to myself. I waited an extra 3 minutes at my locker for him but he was a no show. I shrugged my shoulder and walked to lunch. Maybe he would be there.

When I was walking to lunch, I turned the corner, and was met with that blonde bitch, towering over Robin, cupping his face and kissing him.

My eyes welled up with tears. There was no way in hell that Robin would do that. No way. "What? We don't even know her?" Robin's words replaying in my mind. He was defending her. She pulled away from the kiss and they stared at each other for a minute. Robin turned his head and saw me. We made eye contact but I couldn't stand to be around him any longer.

So I ran. Even though he was screaming my name I didn't care. I kept running. I ran all the way outside to the bathroom and locked myself in the big stall. Crying. And crying. I was so damn gullible to believe someone actually loved me the way I thought Robin did. So damn gullible. Then I heard banging on the girls bathroom door.

Robins POV
I walked out of my 4th period and straight to Mila's locker. When all of a sudden I was pulled by the wrist, around the corner, towards the water fountains. Whoever it was put a hand over my eyes and whispered "Shhhh" in my ear. I chuckled, thinking it was Mila up to something.

Until it wasn't her.

The hand was removed from my face and I opened my eyes to see the new girl, Grace. "Um..can I help you?" I asked. "Yeah actually, I saw you in first period. The way we looked at each other. And when I grabbed your hand, you smirked. C'mon let's just admit we like each other okay?" She said, trying to kiss me.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I have a girlfriend, now if you could please move that would be great." I said, trying to push her out of the way but she was so damn tall she kept me enclosed between her and the water fountain. "Who? That tramp you were holding hands with this morning? Ditch her. I know you like me. Everyone likes me. I can prove it to you." She finished, cupping my face and kissing me.

I was too shocked in the moment to even pull away. I mean what the fuck? She finally released and stared at me. I mean, I was frozen in shock. I finally turned my head away from her, trying to walk away once again, when I saw Mila. She was crying too.

Oh shit.

I pushed the green bean stalk out of my way and ran for Mila, shouting her name. "MILA!! WAIT!! BABE!!" I screamed but she just ran. Far away. But I ran too. Right after her. I wasn't gonna lose this girl because of some ugly giant ruining it.

She ran into the bathroom, locking the main door. I began to bang on the door. Hard. I was so desperate for her to open it. So I could explain everything and we could kiss and hug and make up and go back to living our normal lives.

Milas POV
I heard banging at the door and immediately knew who it was. I sat down against the wall for a minute, just taking in everything that had happened before I finally opened the door.

Maybe it was some misunderstanding. But how do you misunderstand seeing your boyfriend kiss another girl. "Mila baby I'm so sorry please let me explain it wasn't what you think!" He pleaded. "It wasn't what I think?! Then what was it Robin? You just so happened to accidentally kiss another girl. I don't think so." I said, angrily. "Mila! Please! Just let me explain." He continued to beg. "Go ahead. I'm all ears." I stated, crossing my arms.

"Can we go sit down first?" He asked. We walked into the bathroom and sat against the wall. "She-she grabbed my wrist when I was walking to your locker. Before I could see who it was, she put her hands on my eyes, so I thought it was you! Then she brought me over there and started telling me how she knew I had feelings for her and all this other bullshit! I told her I had a girlfriend that I love very much and then she kissed me! I was too shocked to move so I just couldn't. I am so so sorry Mila." He said. He said it all so fast it honestly didn't seem like it was fake but I didn't know what to believe anymore.

"You were too shocked to move? Yeah right. Piss off." I said, beginning to stand up before Robin was pulling me back down. "Mila....I love you with literally every bit of my heart. Every. Damn. Bit. I dream of marrying you everyday Mila. I can't wait to grow old with you and have kids of our own and live every waking moment together. I can't wait to wake up and roll over and see my beautiful wife sleeping. I can't wait to stand at the end of the aisle and see you walking down in a beautiful wedding dress. I want nothing more in life than you. Nothing more than you Mila Blake. You fulfill every single part of my world. You are my world. You are my everything. I would take a hundred bullets for you and do it all over again for you. I love you more than you will ever know Mila Blake. More than you will ever know." He said, tearing up.

Robin had never cried in front of me. Let alone anyone. "Oh Robin.." I said, tearing up too. I pulled him into my chest and he began to sob. "I'm so sorry Mila." He said, through cries. "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not believing you I just didn't know. I am so so sorry Robin. I love you so so much." I finished, kissing him.

We walked home after that, skipping school. We went to Robin's place and just cuddled on the couch, watching movies for the rest of the day. But now I knew I had to beat a bitch up.

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