Or Should I Say Arellano?

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The weekend passed in a flash. Most kids would be upset on Sunday evenings knowing that they had to go to school the following morning. However, us Blake siblings were excited. It meant more time we got to spend away from our father.

I walked out my front door with Finney and Gwen as we started making our way to school. I looked down the street to see the familiar brown haired boy with his usual bandanna wrapped around his forehead. He started to wave at me, and I waved back, blushing slightly.

"Oh look!" Gwen shouted. "It's this one's boyfriend!!!" She finished nudging me. "Oh he is not!" I argued back. "Yeah but you said you guys k-" "Gwen!" I cut her off before she finished. I cringed at the thought, questioning myself why in the world I told my big mouth little sister I kissed Robin Arellano the other day.

"Hey guys!" Robin greeted us as he caught up to me. "Hi Robin!" I responded.

We all began to walk to school, Robin right by my side. I felt something slightly brush across my right hand and before I knew it, Robin Arellano was holding hands with me. We continued walking to school hand in hand and didn't let go until we reached our first period, sitting at our desks. 

Robin huffed as he leaned back in his chair.  "What?" I asked the long hair boy, chuckling. "Nothing. I just don't wanna be in this class..I mean..she's a total bitch!" He said making me laugh. "Is there something you two would like to share with the class?" Our teacher asked us.

"Um..no ma'am! Sorry, it won't happen again." I quickly reassured her, knowing Robin wasn't gonna say shit. "It better not." She sternly warned us. Robin and I exchanged looks, quietly giggling once again.  I started paying attention to this lesson because my grade in her class was slipping, and if my father found out I was falling to a D...I would get the worst beating of my life.  I finished writing my notes with my right hand, finding my left hand resting on my leg.

Again, I felt a familiar feeling of a hand grabbing my left one from my leg. It was Robin, of course, grabbing  my hand once more. I looked at him for a second and turned back to the board, blushing a bright pink. I could see out of my peripheral vision that he was still staring at me.

"Do I make you nervous cariño?" He asked me, causing me to blush two times as much as I was. I hesitantly replied  with, "Well...if I said yes, that would boost your ego too much wouldn't it?" I finished chuckling softly. "I mean..I've already kissed and now, holding hands with the prettiest girl in the whole world so, I mean, yeah...it would boost my ego...but not much more than it already has been." He replied smiling ever so big.

"Oh, shut it Arellano." I told him, giggling. He lifted our intertwined hands up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on mine. "Can't." He stated, turning his attention back to the board, again, pretending to pay attention like he does everyday.

From that day on, Robin met me at my locker and walked my siblings and I home.

~A couple days later~

"Soooooo...are you guys like dating??" My little sister asked Robin and I while the four of us walked home. "Gwenny!" I said looking at her with wide eyes. I looked back at Robin and he was looking a our intertwined hands. "Yeah, yeah we are." He told Gwen, looking past me. I looked down at my feet and smiled softly. "And you didn't tell me?!" Gwenny shouted at me. "Hey! In my defense, you have a big mouth I didn't want you tell Fin-" I tried to reason with my little sister before Finney cut me off. "You're dating my best friend!??" My twin shouted at me. "Ok! Woah! I don't need both of you twerps yelling at me today." I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"Whatever. At least now were like one step closer from becoming family you know?" Finney told Robin, coming to the terms that he would just have to deal with our relationship. I knew Finney would be a little upset but, me and him are so close that I knew he would reason with it and just be happy for me.

"Hey....you guys see that van? I've been seeing it around. It's just so-" "Creepy." Robin said, finishing my sentence for me.  "Yeah." I replied. "I've seen it around a couple times.  Followed me while I was walking to your guy's house Monday morning, thankfully it turned when I was about 2 blocks away." Robin told us. "You guys don't think that's the...you know..." I said. "Don't say his name Mila." My twin warned me.

"Oh come on Finney. You don't seriously believe that bullshit about 'if you say his name he gets you.' The Grabber The Grabber The Grabber!" Gwenny repeatedly said as we neared our house. "No I don't. Just...wish you wouldn't say his name is all." Finney said.

"Wanna come in?" Finney invited Robin, walking on to our porch. "Yeah! Come on in! We can watch television. Heard your favorites on....Texas Chainsaw Massacre!!" I said grinning and poking at the brunette. "Sure...why not!" Robin responded while we all walked into the house.

I walked into the kitchen to pop some popcorn, Robin following me, while Gwen and Finney grabbed some blankets and turned the channel to the movie. I grabbed a bag of popcorn from the cabinet when I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist. "Is ur dad...." The voice behind me asked, snuggling his head into my neck.

"No.  He'll be at work until at least 7 and then go to the bar with his friends until like 10." I told Robin, feeling his long hair tickle my neck making me chuckle. "Robin...." I dragged on as he peppered kisses on my neck. "Mila..." He copied.

I threw the popcorn in the microwave, setting the timer and quickly spun around towards the boy. I planted a kiss straight on his lips. And we held it. For awhile. It grew into a huge make out sesh until the microwave loudly beeped. "I think...kiss...the popcorn...kiss...is done...kiss." Robin said placing a kiss on my lips in between his words. I grinned and turned towards the microwave to pull the popcorn out, pouring it into a bowl, and we walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah I don't wanna know WHAT those noises were..." Gwenny said, cringing. Robin and I giggled and took our place on the floor next to each other. Finney, Gwen, and I have never seen this movie because it's rated R and our dad would never let us watch it at the drive in.

"OOH! This is the best part!!" Robin exclaimed bouncing in his place, pointing at the tv." I looked at him laughing and I laid my head on his shoulder.

When the movie was over Robin headed home and I walked him out the door. He planted a big kiss on my lips and said goodbye. "Goodnight Arellano." "Goodnight Blake. Or should I say Arellano too?" Robin joked, walking away.

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