Forever and Always Arellano.

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    It was now July 4th, 1979. Everyone in town was going to all the fireworks stands and getting food for their barbecues. Finney, Gwen, and myself went over to Robins, to spend it with him and his mother. It's not like our dad cared anyway.

    "My mom gave me $20!! Let's go get fireworks guys!" Robin, excitedly shouted at us, running out the front door. I laughed at the boy, following him. We walked a couple blocks away and entered the firework stand. "Robin! Dude! let's get these!!" Finney exclaimed.

    The boys decided on this bag of a bunch of different types of fireworks, spending all the money. We walked back to Robin's house and the boys immediately pulled out all of the fireworks.

    I walked into the kitchen to help Robin's mom with some of the food while the others looked at the fireworks. "I can help you with anything Mrs. Arellano!" I offered. "Oh thank you so much honey! I already have the lettuce chopped if you could just put the rest of the salad together that would be great!" She told me. I began throwing it all together as she told me about the rest of the Arellano family that would be coming. Some of his family was already here, they were just outside barbecuing some food.

    All of us walked outside, joining the rest of Robin's family. "C'mon Mila! Let me introduce you to some of my family." Robin said. I nodded, taking his hand, following him through all of the people.

    Let's just say...Robin has a lot of family.

    "This is my Tía Barbara! Tía this is my girlfriend Mila!" Robin introduced me to her. "Oh hello young lady! I have heard so much about you! I am so glad my handsome nephew has found a beautiful girl like you." She informed me. "Thank you ma'am!" I smiled.

After meeting some more members of the Arellano family, Robin and I made our way over to the tables where Gwen and Finney were, making ourselves plates, as the sun set. I sat down with Robin and my two siblings and we dug into the food.

    "Mmmmm." Hummed Finney. "Is it good?" Robin asked, laughing. Finney nodded, mouth full of food, making the rest of us laugh. After finishing our delicious food, the sun had already set all the way, making Robin excited for the fireworks.

    He quickly grabbed his bag of fireworks and handed them to one of his Tío's. Some of his family had bought huge fireworks. And a lot of them. We would be here all night. Robin and I sat in the grass, hands interlocked, watching the beautiful fireworks.

    "These are so pretty!" I exclaimed. "But not as pretty as you mi amor." Robin argued. I blushed like crazy. "Ok everyone! This is the last one! It's huge!!" We heard one of Robin's family members yell after about 2 hours of popping fireworks. Robin scurried up and grabbed my hand.

    "You know what that calls for!" Robin said, cupping my face in his hands.


    And then Robin kissed me. The kiss was electric. And in that moment I knew that I would be forever in love with Robin. As he kissed me, all the memories of us flooded my mind. This was something I had never felt before. I realized that Robin was not just a boy that I would date for two months my sophomore year of high school. No, that Robin was the boy I met my sophomore year of high school, and the boy I would grow old with.

I realized that I want to spend eternity with Robin.

Robins POV
As soon as the firework went off I leaned in and kissed Mila. Now, I kiss her like every chance I get. But this....this felt different. It was like an ash flew off the firework and landed on our lips, creating a spark we've never felt before. I always knew I was going to marry this girl. From the first time I saw her. Except, this time I finally came to conclusion.

I realized that I want to spend eternity with Mila.

    "I love you Mila Blake." Robin said, releasing the kiss. "I love you too Robin. Forever and always Arellano." I said.

Mila and Robin got engaged in the summer of 82. They had three children. Two boys and one girl. Michael, Mitch and Jackie. The couple never broke up not once before they got married. The wedding was at the local church, but it was wonderful. Finney, Gwen, Terrence, Robin's mom, and the rest of the Arellano family was there. It was the first time that Mila had ever seen her dad be genuinely happy for her. The couple spent the rest of their lives together and loved every minute of it. They got to spendeternity with each other. Just like they wanted. Forever and Always.

a/n: wow. wowowowoow. i cannot believe i just finished this book!!! buttt!!! i'm going to do like a couple little one shot imagine things and i think i'll put them in this book! i am also going to write a whole nother robin x mila book but, obviously, different plot and stuff but same characters. (thinkin about making robin die hehe sorry) anyways, yeah! this book was so great to write and i had the best time reading comments and everything! i also am  going to delete some authors notes because some of them aren't really needed anymore so if you notice some of them missing, that's why. special thank you to @-oncloudnine for literally reading all of my chapters as soon as they came out and commenting all the time and everything it really gave me motivation! but thank you all! look out for my new robin book!

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