Chapter 1: Cheaters

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Tim sighed as he felt his phone ring, the buzzing sound ruining his Rams game. As he pressed the accept button and put the phone to his ear he was shocked to hear the voice behind it.

"Hi Tim, uh this is Chris. Chris Sanford. I just needed to talk to you about something really quick, are you busy right now?" He spoke. Tim, slightly intrigued, responded.

"No, not really. What do you need to talk about?"

"Um, i just need you to promise you won't tell Lucy about this conversation, ok?" Chris asks, and Tim is now on high alert. He doesn't know what to say, because Lucy would drag whatever is to be said out of him really fast. She always did.

"Oh. Uh sure yeah. What is it?" He questions.

"I- Look I want you to stop riding with her. I know you can choose another aide so, i want you to not pick her anymore." Chris asks. And Tim is pissed.

"Look Sanford, I don't know why you thought this conversation was a good idea, but it really isn't. Lucy asked me to make her my aide. That was something she wanted. Plus, she's an amazing partner and i really don't want to replace her because we work well together. This is a conversation you need to have with Lucy because honestly, you just sound like a jealous boyfriend. So Sanford, please don't ever ask me to replace her again, or it WILL be her business."
Tim said, filled with anger. How could such an amazing girl be dating such a jealous duche? Lucy was just so... wait what the hell am i thinking?

"Look Bradford, I'm just asking because.. Because i think you're in love with her and you need to back off! She is not yours and she never will be. She is mine. So Back. Off." Chris threatened. Wrong move.

"Don't ever say that she is 'yours' because you do NOT own her. Lucy isn't an object and you shouldn't be treating her like one. Don't EVER talk about her like that!" Tim shouted into the phone. He was debating wether on not to drive over to the DA's office this very moment.

"Don't tell me how to talk about my girlfriend! Last time i checked your girlfriend was cheating on you cause you were too busy trying to get into Lucy's pants, so go fuck yourself!" Chris said while hanging up the phone. Tim was getting up ready to throw the phone when he heard her.

"What was that babe?" Ashley asked while prancing over to Tim, who was now standing at the edge of the couch.

"Did you... did you cheat on me Ashley?" Tim asked, his face stoic but his heart searing with pain. He cared for ashley, and he cared for his relationship. This day fucking sucks.

"Tim I- I didn't mean to he... he was just so caring and after that double date we started talking a-"

"Hold on, you cheated on me with Sanford? You fucked Lucy's boyfriend? Ashley what in the hell were you thinking?!" He asks, his heart drops thinking about Lucy, about the person who became his best friend, partner, and the person he cares the most for in the world. She was the bright light in his life that no one ever had been, and no one could replace her. He would do anything to make her happy, and knowing she would be sad when she learned about chris made him want to find her and hold her until she smiled again.

"You know what Tim, I was jealous ok? I was jealous. And i thought that maybe, just maybe, i would be able to feel better if i slept with Chris. He made me feel so much better about you and Lucy's feelings for each other and we figured you two were already fucking behind our backs, but we didn't want to break it off with you two." She said, seething with anger at Tim for no reason.

"W- Me and Lucy's feelings for each other? Ashley are you saying Lucy likes me?- wait hold on you thought that it was ok to cheat on us because you thought we were sleeping together? How in the hell does that make anything ok?! You are an asshole Ashley, and so is Chris. Take your shit and get out of my house. And don't think you can ever come back. We are done." He said before walking into his room and slamming the door. How could Chris cheat on Lucy like that? unlike me, Lucy is actually sweet and caring, anyone who has her should be praising her daily. She deserves the world- wait hold on what the hell are you thinking Tim? She would never think about you in that way. pull it together.

As Tim changed into jeans and a blue, snug t-shirt, he thought about Lucy. Usually when thoughts of Lucy popped into his head he forced them out, making them go back to where they came from. But right now, he let the thoughts in his brain take over for once, which led him to rushing through his closet again to find his best clothes. He walked out of his room to see Ashley on his couch crying, then getting up and scrambling over to him.

"Tim please! Let's talk about this. I love you and I want to stay together please!-"

"Ashley you don't get to talk! You cheated on me, and now i'm gonna go deal with the mess that's been created. I want you to get the hell out and never, and i mean never, come back." He said as he pushed ashley's slim arms off of him. She did a little huff and ran out of his house, slamming the door in the process. Finally she's GONE, Tim thought.

After putting his shoes on, he put a pair of sweatpants and a jacket into his backpack and slung it over his shoulder as he grabbed his keys and rushed out of the house. It was time for Tim to pay someone a visit.

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