Chapter 3: Confrontation

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"You'll be fine, Dad. Just follow my lead." Tamara giggled as she unlocked the door. They walked into the apartment and saw Lucy wrapped in a mountain of blankets, drinking wine straight from the bottle.

"Lucy? What are you doing." Tamara questioned as she walked around the couch. The smile on her face forming as she looked at Lucy's face.

"I need to break up with Chris. I'm pre-gaming." She slurred. "I don't think I can handle him getting mad at me while sober." She dropped her head into the blankets, disappearing.

"You're breaking up with Chris?" Tim asked slightly stunned, trying to keep a smile from creeping onto his face. Lucy jolted her head up and looked at him while a blush flushed her face.

"Why are you here? W-Tamara did you let him in?" Lucy asked untangling herself from the covers.

"O-oh. Um, I just needed to talk to you about Chris." Tim stuttered, feeling unwelcome in the girl's now deathly quiet apartment.

"No! I mean- Tamara can you go order something for us in your room? I'm hungry."

Tamara walked towards her room, dragging her feet as she left. Before closing her door she poked her head out winking at Tim, then started ordering Thai. Tim shuffled away from the island in her kitchen and sat on the couch in the same place he did when they had kissed.

"What is it, Tim? You look stressed." Lucy reached a hand out to put on his forearm, but Tim grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes.

"Chris and Ashley cheated on us. Like, they slept together." Tim pushed the words out quickly as he ripped the bandaid off. It was a relief until Lucy's eyes started to tear up.

"W-what? He was trying to make our relationship serious when he was cheating on me?! Tim how do you even know about this?!" She questioned, feeling her tears choke her voice.

"He... He called me asking if I would fire you as my aide. I told him no since we were good partners and it just seemed like he was being a jealous boyfriend so he needed to talk to you. He freaked out on me saying that you were his and that I needed to back off so we got into an argument about how he doesn't own you- this is irrelevant anyways he told me that Ashley had been cheating on me so I asked her about it and she said it started after the double date." Tim sighed as everything on his chest was finally out in the open.

   Lucy sat staring into Tim's eyes for a moment, curating what she wanted to say. "I'm so sorry Luce I- I'm sorry." He said as tears softened his eyes. Then Lucy pulled him into her and rested her head on his shoulder.

   "This is NOT your fault Tim. You shouldn't be apologizing to me. You've done nothing wrong. It's ok Tim. It's ok." She said as tears streamed down her shirt, feeling Tim shaking while he wrapped his arms around her. All of Tim's emotions bled out of him and into Lucy's embrace. Then a knock was heard at Lucy's door.

   "There is no way that is the food." Lucy pulled back and got out of her seat, walking towards the door slowly. She looked out of the peephole and froze with fear. Chris.

   Lucy turned and whipped around to look at Tim, waving him into Tamara's room. She needed to handle Chris on her own and if Chris knew Tim was in her apartment, there would be bloodshed. Lucy opened the door gently and smiled at Chris. He can't know it's related to him cheating on me, but I have to break up with him. Oh my god, how am I gonna do this? she thought as Chris spoke.

   "Lucy! I'm so glad you're home. How was your Undercover Op today? did you have fun?" He smiled as if nothing happened, but she saw the deceit in his eyes. "Oh everything was perfect, but I... I have to talk to you, Chris." She acted as if she was sad, not fuming.

   "What is it, babe? I've got some Thai for you are you sure it can't wait?" He asked, having no idea she was about to break up with him. How is a guy this smart so clueless?

   "Chris I- I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry I just don't see this going anywhere anymore. You were totally great to me I just... I don't feel the same way anymore."

   "Bradford came over, didn't he?" Chris spat as he looked at Lucy, only anger visible on his once happy face.

   "What do you mean? Tim has nothing to do with this. I'm breaking up with you because I don't want to lead you on anymore. And you know what? You're controlling. I can't be with someone who's controlling. You don't care about what I've been through and you use it to control me. I'm done playing a game with you Chris because I don't have feelings for you anymore." Lucy said, the sadness in her eyes turning into a rage as Chris saw right through her. This is a lot harder than I thought.

   "What, you don't have feelings for me because you have feelings for your Sergeant? You two are unbelievable. I don't know what you mean by me being controlling Lucy,  I just love you! I love you Lucy you can't leave me!" He started pleading. He grabbed Lucy by the forearms but she pushed him away, which made him even more pissed.

   "Don't touch me! Don't touch me, Chris-"


   She fell to the floor, grasping the side of her face. Chris hurried as he dropped to the floor trying to help her up, but she kept pushing him away.

   "Get. Out." She spoke calmly but strong as tears welled up. "No Lucy I swear I didn't mean-"

   "GET OUT! Don't touch me, Chris just GET OUT!" She pushed him hard as he stood up.

   "I'm not leaving until you take me back, Lucy. We are going to talk about this." He said feeling his heart race at a million miles per hour. She can't leave him, he thought.

   "She said get out! Now leave." Tamara said as she opened her door and ran to Lucy's side. Chris felt eyes glaring into the back of his head and he turned around slowly.


   "You're under arrest for assault and battery. You have the right to remain silent..." Chris started to phase out. He felt Tim's hands around his wrist as he pulled him out of the room, and Tamara was on the phone with someone, which he assumed was 9-1-1. Tim didn't have cuffs so he held his hands together and pushed him by the shoulders into the elevator.

   "Why the hell were you there, Bradford? Did you come to finally get your hands on my girlfriend?" Chris sneered. Tim's grip became tighter.

   "She's not your girlfriend anymore, not after you hit her. And now my friends are coming to pick you up. It's over, Chris." Tim spoke as he leaned into the wall.

   "What if I report you for your crimes? Hm? What are you gonna do then?" Chris asked.

   "You aren't gonna do that Chris, because what I didn't cause you harm, just scared you. I didn't threaten you with anything you hadn't threatened me with. If you report me the truth will be found out and you'll just get more time or money on your sentence." Tim felt a slight pain in his chest as he realized he could also be arrested later, but Chris's sigh of defeat gave him hope he would be let off the hook.

   As Smitty and Thorsen pulled up, Tim walked outside with Chris. Thorsen quickly put cuffs on the man and questioned Tim.

   "Hey sarge, one question. What were you doing at Lucy's apartment? It's a little weird if you ask me." Smitty joked as Thorsen shut the door behind Chris.

   "It- Smitty that isn't- It's not like that. I was telling her about Chris cheating on her. It was with my girlfriend so I figured it was best if I told her. Get in the shop, and don't you dare tell anyone about this." Tim used his T.O. voice. Smitty sighed and walked back into the car, immediately telling Thorsen about it. Tim just walked inside feeling defeated.

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